Prologue: Wedding Day

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Elleston, like any other reserve around the world- is the safe haven for fairies and elves. It looks like a normal mansion to a human's eyes, and it's "owned" by the birdbrains- don't judge the name! The bird tribe are birds that could transform into humans, and they protect the fairies' existence to the outside world. Behind the mansion, is a garden that goes beyond one's imagination. Pretty shades of flowers, plants, animals, and the fairies and elves residing in and keeping nature alive; kind of ironic to what humans do.

Just in the outermost center of the garden, there resides a small temple. This is where most weddings occur. Speaking of weddings,

It's my wedding day.

I am one of the birdbrains myself, and I can turn myself into a raven bird. I am in my bird form in honor of my fae-bride.

A giddy smile curved up my lips as I saw her figure come out of the curtain-leaves. Bits of leftover gem dust fall onto her hair, sparkling like magical snowflakes. My heartbeat raised.


She starts to walk down the aisle, her eyes meeting mine. The pretty shades of gray on her irises reminds me of the sky before storm. Not too blue, but not too dark either. Her pretty transparent wings matched the color of her eyes. And her chocolatey-brown hair- oh my Elle, I'm rambling to myself again aren't I?

I couldn't help it, especially that she's about to be my wife. My wife! My one and only. For the rest of my life, and I'm spending it with her. I couldn't be happier.

I watched the other animals watch her in awe, and I couldn't blame them. Finally, she made it to the altar.

I wrapped my other wing with her, pulling her close to me. I look down on her hands holding a small flower bouquet, and they're shaking. I frowned.

"Elena, what's wrong?" I asked her.

She looks up to me. And the expression on her face made my stomach churn.


"I- I'm sorry." She bursts out, and her tears fall. My composure broke.


"I shouldn't marry you." She said next, and all the animals watching us gasp. Even the frog, who is supposed to be our priest, watched us in disbelief as his tongue rolled out of his mouth.

"W- what?" I stammered, my feathers ruffling.

"You're ... you're an ugly bird!" She yells this time, and the gasping got even louder.

Just what?!

"I'm a what?!" I started screaming at her too this time.

She throws her bouquet away, on the water boarding the temple. Some of the petals floated above the water while the rest drowns, never to be seen again. Would have preferred if she threw it to the next newlywed or divorced couple, but I do not care. What matters in this shit happening to me right now. "I cheated, on you ... I found someone better."

"After everything I did for you!" I screeched. My wings flapped, creating a strong whirlwind and destroying all decorations in our wedding altar. "When did you start to cheat on me, huh? And who is this disgusting foe that dares to steal your heart away from me?!"

"That's me." Another fairy stepped out of the shadows, his appearance too common that I have forgotten his name already.

"You traded me for a mere fairy?!"

"I would have preferred him over you, a goddamned birdbrain who spends most of her time talking with the humans outside! Have you ever thought in one moment of your life, of how would I feel to not have you by my side? I could not take it!"

"So you cheated! You selfish fae!" Another flap of my wings, and she tripped under my wind and fell on the floor on her back. She winced, and a pang of guilt hit my heart ... but my anger prevails. I scoffed, and flew out of the temple and leaving her behind.

A/N: Status will be on-going once I Love You Matcha is finished. It's almost done, I'm just slow.

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