Chapter XXVIII

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Violet tightened her cloak around her, keeping it close even around the hand that held onto Thranduil's arm. Lake-town was full of wooden streets, with random holes revealing the water beneath them. Nails were sticking out in different places, and some of the wood was beginning to rot away, but no one in Lake-town seemed sad. They all joyfully looked at each other, exchanging pleasant hellos and bartering different goods.

And they all seemed to avoid her, Thranduil, and Gandalf like the plague.

The apparition had frightened them much more than any elven realm since they weren't nearly as familiar with magic as the elves and not even a quarter as attuned with nature. Just as Gandalf promised, they were on the hunt for Bard. Having no idea what he looked like, Violet was no help, so she just watched the town around her. Thranduil would guide her where she needed to go.

He took them to a house in the middle of the town. It was a nice size, with a large set of wooden stairs leading up to it. Guards were standing outside of it, much to Thranduil's obvious pleasure.

"I see your plan is working out," she whispered to him.

"Let us hope it stays that way," he whispered back, before calling to the men who stood at the door, "Is the new master in?"

"Nay, my good king," one on the left replied, "Master Bard left but ten minutes ago with his bow and quiver."

Thranduil nodded. Clearly his strange stalking did some good, for he knew exactly where Bard would be. Less than five minutes later, at the edge of the town was a target for practice. The newly appointed master was there, firing arrow after arrow, each one landing in the bullseye or around it.

"I see you've taken your mother's place out here," Thranduil said to him. The man turned around, seeing the ellon and two wizards standing behind him.

"Aye," Bard confirmed, eyeing Thranduil warily, "How did you know?"

Oh, he's just been casually stalking your family, Violet thought.

"You are a descendant of Girion and feel responsibility towards the people of Lake-town. Of course you would step forward in their time of need; I never had doubt of that," Thranduil replied.

Oh! We're not talking about that part.

"Why run the Master from the town?"

"My reasons for having Erland leave are multiple, most of which I am not inclined to share," he said, "But I am hopeful that with the reclaiming of Erebor that Dale will also be rebuilt. 'Tis only fitting that the heir of Girion sits in charge of the city of Dale."

"What if I don't want to be the one in charge?"

"The burden is a heavy one," Thranduil replied, nodding, "I chose this life. I wanted this life. I still want this life. I love my people, and I feel a high sense of responsibility to them. 'Tis up to you to decide if your sense of responsibility to your people is higher than your desire to avoid the burden. But do remember, 'tis in your blood. You favor your ancestor a lot, both in looks and character."

Bard inclined his head. "Thank you. The only things I know about him are family stories that have been passed from parent to child. To hear this from someone who had spoken with him means a lot to me."

"I only speak the truth. Ruling is not for everybody Bard the Bowman, but you cannot say it is not for you." Thranduil looked to Gandalf and Violet, the latter of whom was trying to curl further into her cloak from the chill. Given the residents' fear of her entry and their need for this black arrow, she didn't want to use more magic out in the open like this, even for a simple warming charm. "Allow me to introduce my companions. This is Mithrandir, more commonly known as Gandalf the Gray." He gestured with his free arm to Gandalf, before gesturing to Violet. "And this is Lady Violet Potter. She is a witch from another dimension and is our leader in our efforts to defeat Sauron's orcs."

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