24.13 - Deals

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She jumped out of the closet immediately. As she tried to get away, she was held back tightly. As she fell back on the floor she saw the figure's arm stretched all the way from the closet to her hair. Lightning struck again, the light that filled the room did not light up the figure at all, he could still be seen as pitch black.

A small light lit up in her pocket, a glimmer of hope? She quickly grabbed it to see if it would be any help at all. It was a star-shaped emblem from a while ago. The figure suddenly began to get distorted, was the emblem doing something to it?

She faced the emblem towards it, the figure's arm stretched back to its normal form as it began to glitch out. The lights all turned back on, the figure had disappeared as Argos was left on the same spot. He fell to the ground, almost catatonic. He opened his eyes rather quickly and tried moving. The ground under him was beginning to freeze up.

She laid up on the ground with her elbows while facing him. She was breathing heavily as she got her bearings, the frozen ground reaching her now. She looked at him but didn't move. He looked over at her, the two met eyes.

She felt the unsafest she has ever felt before in her life as they stared into each other.

"Tori..." she read from his lips. No sound was heard. The door opened near the two. The girl from the house stood at the doorframe. Her red hair was lit up by the light from a window behind her.

As soon as she created a weapon from her powers, the girl appeared next to her and broke it immediately.

"Not this time." the girl said as the room turned monochrome gray.

The girl grabbed her up by the hair. He looked up at the two and hit the ground.

"I don't know what you are... but please help us this once..." he spoke, barely able to move.

The girl hold her up laughed. "Me?! Help you? No, you're gonna be useful for me." the girl said

He smiled, looking up at her. "Not talking to you."

His left arm was completely pitch black. That arm stretched forward and at immense speeds grabbed the girl up by the neck. The girl had to let go of her. As she fell down, he opened up a doorway on the ground for her to pass through.

Still frightened, still confused, she slowly stood up. Her hands shaking, her mind not focused on one thing. She heard thunder roar outside as a loud boom echoed across the house. She regained her bearings and began walking down the hallway, her arms crossed. Silence filled the halls for some time.

She seemed to be shaking, and her breath seemed to be visible in the air. She called out to him and waited patiently for a moment. No one responded and she stopped walking. She covered her hands with the sleeves from her hoodie. She sat down in the hallway, leaning her back against the wall behind her. She heard the sound of metal being hit outside and stood forward quickly.

    She uncovered her right hand and a small flame appeared magically. She spread the flame onto her other hand, so she could warm up. A flash of light filled the hallway through a window. She began running down the long hallway as she heard the thunder. She turned a corner to see a hallway that was just as long as the last. She continued running, hoping the person she had called out for was safe.

    She passed a window and noticed the clouds outside had covered the entire sky. Snow was falling relentlessly as the sound of metal being hit rang through the air. She reached the end of the hall and saw two ways she could go. She scratched her head and sighed before she began to run to the right.

     She was out of breath but kept running, pushing herself. A flash of light filled the hall again and thunder was heard immediately. She stopped running as the wall in front of her was brought down. Above the debris, she saw the person she was looking for. The two met eyes, the girl from before outside the castle surrounded by the people she was with before.

     He did not look the same at all. Half of his body was covered pitch black while his face was already that of the creature from before. The darkness kept consuming his body, she could only stare at it and move back.

     "This should be interesting." the girl said, a light filling her hand as a Tai Chi sword took shape in it.

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