(18) सव्यासाची सुचिस्मिता सह मंत्रमुग्धसमागम

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"It's amazing how one day can change everything you thought was true. Sometimes you meet a person and you just click-you're comfortable with them, like you've known them your whole life, and you don't have to pretend to be anyone or anything."



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Ulupi and Chitrangada were eagerly waiting to meet with their sister. Draupadi, Devika and Valandhara were visualizing the keenness and enthusiasm in their eyes. Patience is not the ability to wait, but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting.

"Our patience will achieve more than our force."

Every single human being needs to have patience in their lives to achieve what they dreamt of. But, the soul of Jagannath Himself didn't take too much time to arrive to the entrance where all her family members were gathering to welcome the queens of Indraprastha.

Suddenly, the eyes of Naga princess and Manipurratna fell on an Indescribable beauty. A unique graceful rhythm in her movements. At every step of her lotus feet, in the crimson glow of Jyotirmaya Padankhakana, it is as if the constellations are creating ground lotuses. With each of her foot steps the ground was lit up with auspicious light.
The chirping sound of her nupurnikna is like the lazy slowness of a swan. With the beautiful swaying rhythm of her Guruvara's hips, she will become eternally celibate as well, her hot Kanchan-coloured deep navel adorned with the glow of amorous sapphires. Above the treble line, the well-developed twin chests are intimately inserted, her two arms are tender than Shirish Kusum, the pearl of the voice is enhancing its beauty as if it considers the voice as its own ornament. Padma Girish and Champak together created his face. If pearls were ever crimson, nothing could compare with her aura of this beauty's elusive smile. The cooing of the cuckoo is overpowered by its shrill voice. Sometimes she is beautiful with wandering eyes, sometimes she is charming, mysterious and majestic. The curve of the bow is defeated by his brow-pair. Cloudy stars are confusing the clouds in the sky.

 Cloudy stars are confusing the clouds in the sky

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