Chapter 17 - editing

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Michael dead. A loving husband, a caring father and nicest man I’ve even known is gone, dead, murdered.

Tilly and I watch Damon dig and dig making a large hole in the cold, hard ground to fit Michael’s frozen lifeless body; no one even spoke since we left the house. Tilly stood still, her face showed no emotions but a small tiny tear fell from her eyes; her eye colour seems to disappear to clear. Once Damon was done he lowered Michael body down to cold mucky ground, still none of us dared to talk; as his body was in the ground Tilly was gone. She was no where in sight.

After burying Michael, Damon and I silently walked back to Michaels, where I hope Tilly was; but this is Tilly so she should be on a killing spree by now.

“What happens now, Damon?”

Damon let out a slight chuckle “if we can deal with Klaus, I think we can deal with a couple of old vampires.”

“But I need to know why they want me to kill Klaus; I need to know what his stupid plan is Damon.”

All of a sudden, Damon grabbed onto my shoulders with his icy blues eyes gazing with mine “we can deal with this Rosie; it’s just some stupid old vampires who can’t go out in sunlight want to get revenge at Klaus. They found an easy target; that’s it!”

He’s right! Damon actually right for once.

We entered Michael’s house from the back to see Tilly searching her father’s office, her eyes were bloodshot red with mascara smudge around her eyes.

“Have you found anything yet?” Damon asks as leans against the dusty, untouched wooden bookcase. Tilly lets out a low growl still looking around the office “I’m trying to find his journal, it might have a clue on what’s going on.”

I look around the small, snug office to see any clues but the thing what was bugging me the most was the bookcase Damon is leaning against its been pushed forward “will someone push that bookcase back so it hits the wall, it’s annoying me how its been pushed forward” I shout with my hands covering my eyes.

As I move my hands away from my eyes to see the bookcase has been pushed further away from the wall “really Damon?”

Behind the dusty old bookcase was a little closet with grimy wooden gates with symbols craved into them, I look closer to the symbols to see it was about a tribe in the 17th century. Michael always told Tilly and I silly little tales about a family of witches who loved using black magic only to send us to bed early, he mentioned about one of their followers drew their story on a gate but I didn’t know he had the gate.

“What the hell are them?” Damon spoke.

Walking closer towards the gates my fingers exploring the craving of the symbols, I was set in some kind of trace. Somehow Damon and Tilly voices were gone, the setting around me changed to a little village in the country “Madam, may I help you?”

Looking towards my right was a coloured young lady with long wavy brown hair flying free around in the cool wind, she wore a white cream dress with glass stains on the bottom of her dress, and she also wore a baby blue cardigan to hide her chest. “I will repeat my question Madam, may I help you?” Her emerald green eyes seemed to change colour to dark blood shot red “yes you may help me before I pull your heart out.”

The young lady’s eyes changed back to her normal eye colour “Assumes me with your visit child? Do you need a favour from the great one?”

I still don’t have a freaking clue what’s going on, but my heart and mind are both agreeing with me to meet the ‘great one’ “I wish to speak to the great one, peasant.” Her faced turned from relaxed to surprise from my little outburst plus I called her ‘peasant’. She nodded towards the door so I followed her lead, once I was in a burst of vervain was throw at me “I’m not a vampire, peasant.”

Of course I get blamed for being a vampire “So where’s the ‘great one’?” I ask straight forward looking around the dark filled room. All of a sudden a woman with beautiful long chocolate brown hair, stunning sea blue eyes with a hint of grass green; her lips were small tinted in a pale peach. She wore a gorgeous grass green dress with gold cuffs her dress was not so much puffy it was more like evening dress; the hint of green in her eyes sparked.

Those stunning sea blue eyes looked up and down at my features “Good day my great child, I heard from Agatha my darling sister of mine you will visit. We must not speak however I may show, take this and open the book of magic when you are ready to fight. My child you are powerful enough to control everyone even the original kind of people, most people will trick you to join their force nevertheless you have your own force; use your power for good never thee bad. Quickly leave now until Mister will punish me for speaking.” Her accent filled my mind with her words of advice, I took the black leather journal from her hands and all of a sudden I hit back into reality.

“Rosie, are you okay?” Damon voice boomed into my ears.

I just laid there untouched, my mind was spinning with un-answered questions, well I thought that flashback with help me but hell no it just leaves me more puzzled than before.

I felt Damon’s hands left my cold still body from the ground and laid me carefully on the warm, jagged couch. For some reason Damon looked different like he looked scared for once, Damon Salvatore looks; oh this is priceless. “Damon you face” I choke out laughing “you actually have fear in your eyes” I say continuing laughing.

He let a small huff while Tilly sniggered leaning against the wall “so did you have fun in the pass?” Tilly smirked while holding the black leather journal in her petite pale hands.

“I’ll tell you everything while driving back to Mystic Falls” I state while pushing myself up however Damon thinks it was a great idea to push me back down; that boy.

“You need to rest; Esther drained a lot of power of you yesterday and I don’t know how you will fight without any” Damon states.

I roll my eyes which causes Tilly to giggle “as Damon is a massive pain in the arse, you might aswell tell us.”

“Fine; steady on. I am going to tell you but be patient young ones” Tilly and Damon both threw me a dirty look. “I’ll tell you only if you buy me a laptop and Supernatural box set; deal?” They both nod agreeing they get me both the laptop and the Supernatural box set because I’m so sick of using Klaus’s stupid laptop and I miss going on Tumblr.

This is going to be a short story with millions of questions, oh the joy “gather round children” i say in a failed British accent. They both have daggered eyes watching me with no pleasure at all.

I tell them both my lovely trip to the pass however I got distracted by Damon cell ringing annoyingly several times ruining story time because somehow Alaric’s been arrested for killing people; have they just noticed now? He’s been killing vampire’s every since.

Tilly finds it best to come with us, I love to know where she planning to stay because Damon already having a fit because she tagging along and for me I’m having a fit because she well know of getting in trouble with strangers. That’s it I’m dropping her off to Matt’s, if he can deal having Elena as an ex girlfriend and I think he can control Tilly.

“So any hot men there in famous Mystic Falls?” Two reason I’m not going to answer her question is because all the ‘men’ in Mystic Falls are wimps apart from Elijah as he has nice hair and the second reason the words ‘hot men’ suggest trouble for me when I find out half of the population men are dead from an ‘animal attack’.

My god this is going to be a long journey back, I hope Tyler back because I really have to talk to him and I also I will never see the day I would miss Tyler Lockwood and his creepy comments.

A/N. I'm so turly sorry I've not updated since January however as it's my final year in school, my gcse exam are now in the way and I'm going to lie as much as I enjoy writing I believe this story is going to end up crap. Yes, I will be carrying on and finishing it because I want too. My gcse are really important for me because i'm kind of behind in some off my lessons which is poop, my art exam is in a week and i've done nothing so wish me luck. I hope you enjoy even if the chapter short as always.

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