☁️ Like a Boy 🥀 // Kiribaku

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, he'd get serious and stern like he does." Mina giggled.

Aiazwa cleared his throat at the front of the class, "Alright, everyone, listen up! We will be doing silent reading, and questions will be handed out at the end. No notes or scrap paper." He stated, handed Aoyama a stack of books, and had him pass them out to each of us.

Then, our teacher grabbed a yellow sleeping back, zipped it up, and slept in the corner.

"See? He wouldn't last three hours." I whispered, and we all laughed quietly.

While reading on the history of heroes and the beginning of quirks, I looked at Bakugo. I want to say something, I just don't know what.

He seemed quieter than normal, like he's thinking about something really hard. Or maybe he just likes reading.

I grabbed an index card, scribbled his somber face, and added the words, "Hey, what are you thinking about ~" to the top, and slipped it to him silently.

I watched as he unfolded the note, frowned, and went back to reading.

I guess he's not in the mood. Is he ever?

So I kept reading, trying not to be bothered by the bore of silence. Then, a note was placed on my desk. I almost squealed out of excitement, smiling widely, I glanced at him.

He was smirking, still looking at his page, but as if he had just looked away from me and my expression.

The note said, "Nothing except lunch, this book sucks. Hbu" joy filled me up like a bear in a honey factory.

He replied! He replied to mee! Eep!

I kicked my feet like a kid as I wrote back, "Same, I'm starving."

Even though I was thinking about him more than lunch.

I passed it back, watched him read it, but before he could react, Aiazwa got up loudly yawning.


"Alright, worksheet time." This time, he handed a pile of papers to Sato, who placed them out.

We got through the questions, and the bell rang for lunch. We all got up and left, handing in our papers on the way.

Laughter and talk filled the halls. And I still thought of Bakugo.

I actually can't believe he passed notes with me. It was soo cute.

I chuckled to myself.
"What's got you all smily?" Kaminari said as he caught up to me.

"Just hungry, haha," I said nervously.
My smile was lessening as I tried to stuff down the butterflies from Bakugo.

"Come on -" He poked my shoulder, "It's gotta be more than that." He joked, brushing his bright hair out of his face.

"It's not really anything," I started.

"Does someone have a crush?!" Mina yipped beside me.

The butterflies came flooding back, and I couldn't help but smile.
"Oh, oh!" She continued, jumping excitedly.

"Do tell ~ who are they?" Denki fussed.

"Fine. But don't you dare tell anyone. Ever." I retorted.

What's the worst that can happen? They're my best friends, I should be able to tell them anything.

"Okay, okayy!" Mina ushered, impatience apparent in her voice.

"Guys. I'm serious." I warned as we got in line.

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