Chapter 3: Old Faces

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Bumblebee encounters Perceptor, an Autobot scientist, sniper, and Wrecker, Brawn, Perceptor's partner, and Astraea, Perceptor's Decepticon wife, and she's six months pregnant.

"It's been years, since I last saw you, Percy." Bumblebee said. "Indeed, Bumblebee and you had changed over the years," Perceptor added. Astraea explains Bumblebee of her and Perceptor's love story and revealed that she is sapiosexual, meaning she is attracted to a person's intelligence than appearance. Bumblebee sees a ship passing by as he decided to investigate as he arrived where the ship landed. The door opens, revealing four bots. The first one is a middle-aged femme with a white and purple color scheme, the second one being a femmling with a white and blue color scheme, and blue optics, the third one is a mechling younger than the femmling, and the fourth one is a femmling younger than the other femmling.

Bumblebee realizes that they are Ultra Magnus' family, the white and purple femme is Violet Star, Ultra Magnus' wife. The white and blue femmling is Strongarm, Ultra Magnus' oldest daughter. The mechling and femmling are Plasma Storm and Ultra Violet, Ultra Magnus' youngest son and daughter. "You are...Magnus' family," Bumblebee said. "Yes, we came back to Cybertron from Caminus, when we heard news that the Great War is over," Violet Star explained. "Is Daddy still here?" Ultra Violet asked. "Yes, he is, but he had recovered from the serious injuries he had," Bumblebee explained. "Oh my." Violet Star muttered.

"Can you take us to him?" Plasma Storm asked. "Yes, follow me," Bumblebee answered as they walk their way to the base in Retoris. After, they arrived, Bumblebee told them to wait here as he'll bring Ultra Magnus outside. As he enters the base and finds Magnus sitting in his office as he turned his attention to Bumblebee. "Magnus, would you come outside for a little while?" Bumblebee said, "No...I'm good. I still need some work to be done," Magnus said "But, you need some air," Bumblebee said. "I'm fine, I have plenty of air here," Magnus said. "Yes, but you need fresh air," Bumblebee protested.

Ultra Magnus growls as he is getting a little annoyed at the young Autobot warrior. "Come on, I know you want to," Bumblebee said. "I have work to do," Magnus said. "You can take a break and work later," Bumblebee insisted. "No." Magnus said. "Please?" Bumblebee begged. "No." Magnus replied. "Please??!" Bumblebee repeated. "No." Magnus repeated. "Please!!!" Bumblebee pleaded as he does the puppy eyes and drooped his door wings. Ultra Magnus tries to resist Bumblebee's cuteness, and he groans in defeat. "Fine, I'll go." Magnus said. "Yay, you won't regret this!" Bumblebee exclaimed as he leaves the office with Magnus following him.

"Cursed cuteness," Magnus' mind said as he mumbles about punishing Bumblebee or why he has a cute face as they exit and Bumblebee stands next to Magnus' family "Alright, Bumblebee, what do we..." Ultra Magnus paused as he saw his wife and children, "Dad!" Strongarm exclaimed as she hugs her father, and he hugs her back. Then, his younger children joined the hug, after they finished their embrace, he and his wife embraced each other as Bumblebee smiles and his optics watered at this family reunion.


Knock Out is strolling in Retoris as Knock Out encounters a group of Autobots and Decepticons. They are the Stunticons and Torchbearers. Motormaster, the leader of Stunticons, Heatseeker, Slashmark, Dragstrip, and Wildbreak. Wildbreak is Knock Out and Breakdown's son as he has Breakdown's color scheme, orange face, and yellow optics, and he transforms into a sportscar like Knock Out. The Torchbearers are all femmes, and they have the same magenta and teal color scheme. Pyra Magna, the leader of the Torchbearers, Jumpstream, Dust-Up (Jumpstream's wife), Skyburst, Stormclash (Skyburst's sister), and Rust-Dust.

The group is both Combiners, the Stunticons combine into Menasor and the Torchbearers combine into Victorion. They are accompanied by an Autobot and Decepticon that are not combiners. They are Flatline, a senior Decepticon medic and Motormaster's uncle, and Nightbeat, an Autobot detective and Flatline's wife. Wildbreak is overjoyed as he sees his sire, Knock Out, "Dad, I'm so glad to finally see you!" Wildbreak cried as he began breaking down into tears. Knock Out and Wildbreak embraced each other as he pats his son's back. "Motormaster, what are you and your Stunticons doing here anyway?" Knock Out asked. "We came here to live in peace in Cybertron. When we heard that Cybertron is restored, the Autobots won the war, and Megatron disbanded the Decepticons, we could finally be free," Motormaster explained as he and Pyra hold servos.

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