Chapter 15- The Rabid-Chu Chase

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Coda gently took the case and opened it.

He studied the badges then looked at Wilfride. "There are three badges here, including the Thunder Badge..."Coda's voice trailed off when he looked at Wilfride. "...Next is the Rainbow badge,"

"No thanks. I'm not much of a rainbow person?" Wilfride said with a scoff.

Coda blinked. "Are you going to keep battling?"

Wilfride shook her head. "I...I don't know...Domino was the one who wanted to battle. I only went along with it because...." Wilfride gave him a glance then changed her words. "I don't like the battling,"

Coda looked her over then to the Bulbasaur then Flareon.

"Well, funny enough Luke and I are back going to Saffron City next. Seems their was a gym we missed," Coda said. "You can come with us and watch me whip the floor with Sabrina's Pokemon then decide if you want start battling or if not we can just work on going home."

Wilfride shook her head. "I wish it were that easy,"

"I don't see why your even asking," Luke cut in. "I mean, it's obvious she's going to go with us, otherwise the stupid plot can't go forward."


Dark clouds lingered overhead, barely distinguishable against the charcoal sky. If there was a moon out, Wilfride couldn't tell. Its silver rays of light failed to penetrate the dense forestabove, and the thick fog only obstructed my vision further. With the feeling of danger lurking around every corner, her body screamed for her to run away. She clenched the Bulbasaur, following Coda and Luke.

Luke went after every Pokemon he saw, from the caterpillars to some sort of creature Coda called a Furret, which attacked Luke the second he tried to yank it from the tree it lived in. Clawing up his face during the struggle. The Furret got away and Luke was covered in scratches.

"Have you been to this city before?" Wilfride asked, feeling Bulbasaur tightly cling to her arm. His ears twitched at every odd noise, and Flareon kept looking over his shoulder and was even closer to Wilfride, brushing up her leg with every step she took.

"Of course," Luke said. "We ended up where the dead pokemon go."

Wilfride's eyes narrowed at him. "Your pushing it, Seer boy. Go back to getting your face scratched by woodland creatures."

Luke whirled around to her. "Hey." He whined out. "It's not my fault, they don't like me taking them from their homes, while Coda is literally given a free Pokemon, every time he walks by a pretty girl,"

Coda ignored them and consulted his map for the most direct path to Saffron, though it seemed pointless considering the lack of light. "This forest is going on forever. Much more then the map says it would."

"You were given a free Pokemon?" Wilfride asked him.

"I don't see the interest." Coda responded calmly, gesturing to the map. "Weren't your Pokemon free."

"There not my Pokemon and their both creative cases."

"Well, so were mine. So can we focus. I think the fog is what's going on forever! I can barely see my own hand, let alone the trees!"

Coda stopped walking, lowered his map, and let his shoulders roll forward. "It's only five and the sun's already gone down. At this rate, we'll have to camp out again."

Wilfride swiveled around. "Nuh-uh, don't say that! You said Saffron City was this way!"

He grinned. "We may have gone off a little off course due to the fog, but I am sure we will find our way."

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