She broke the eye contact first this time, turning around with her drink in hand and leaving.

Over the few days Jisung hadn't actually encountered Hayun at all, he had seen her once or twice walking but she hadn't come up to him at all.

Hayun continuously kept losing her motivation and energy the more the practices kept up. At first it was her dance moves getting criticised, then her strength, then her body, then her face.

There was so much to say about her and now they had been pointed out, Hayun couldn't stop analysing herself in a way she had never done.

She was walking up the stairs to the practice room when she heard loud hearty laughing. A few of the Dream boys were also heading towards practice. They all looked very close to each other, like family.

Hayun wondered if she would ever be this way with Everlast.

As she was walking towards her practice room, she failed to notice the boy who had just turned into the hallway. He noticed her, she stopped outside the door.

With her hand on the door handle, she tilted her head down for a second as if she didn't want to go inside.

Then, she straightened up a little with a deep breath to ready herself and look more energetic. When she opened the practice room door, she put a smile on her face and he could hear her greeting the others as she disappeared through the doorway.

Jisung hadn't really thought much about Everlast but he did wonder what it was like joining a group which was already established.

He thought about the times he talked to Renjun and Chenle about their experiences, it could be possible Hayun felt the same.

For the first time, he had seen Hayun correct herself to look more happier and her smile seemed genuine but from his perspective, he knew it wasn't.

Why was she pretending? Was she okay?

Being a trainee was never easy and Jisung knew not everyone had the same experiences but he didn't know Hayun enough to assume.

That evening he stayed behind to dance more, learning new covers and memorising the moves of others on the screen.

As he was leaving he could hear the music from the room opposite him, he wondered if the group was still practicing but that would be crazy because it was too late.

Jisung noticed someone coming around the corner, it was the cleaning lady who came late and tidied the practice rooms.
He greeted her respectfully and she did too, she had been working here since he was a trainee so they had encountered each other a lot.

She must've heard the music from the other practice room, her smile fading.
"Poor girl...she's always here by herself late at night." The woman frowned, looking in the direction of the practice room.

"Who?" He asked, curious as to why one of them were constantly staying late alone.
"The newest member, she's here everyday dancing to the same song. She works too hard, she'll hurt herself." She worried like a mother would, feeling bad for the girl.

Jisung wondered why she was alone and not with one of her members or something, surely they'd practice together enough so she wouldn't have to do it alone every night too.

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