Start from the beginning

- After all, I know Newsies are always in need of a quarter or two, so I asked Jack for help... Here, take a look – She shows us some paper sheets with drawings of beautiful lasses with black and pink dresses with feathers, and plumes adorning their hair. – These are the costumes I need, can you put them in the racks, please?

Specs gets the sheets and we take a closer look on each costume.

- The rest you can put in these bags, please! Feel free to go eat more biscuits, and I'll come back later to pay you some dollars – She boops my nose and holds Specs shoulder with a contagious smile.

- Some dollars?? – I'm surpriese, I've never seen this much Money!

- Of course, deary! I did mention the business is going well, right? I have to go now, thank you for your help!

Medda leaves, and I look excitedly to Specs, I can't help smiling. Not only I can spend some time alone with the cutest Newsie in the city, but i'm also gonna get some change for sorting out these clothes! It's amazing! My day couldn't get any better!

- Well, let's start! – Specs is also overjoyed.

We start to take clothes out of the bags so we can see them, and sort the ones in the piles. We have to shake some of them to get rid of the dust, and each one is prettier than the last. Little by little, we find the costumes Medda asked for, and fill up the rack.

I find a beautiful blue dress, with cute bows, and press it against my chest, imagining myself wearing it. I look at myself in the mirror, still holding the dress in front of me.

- Check it out, Specs! Isn't it pretty?

- It'd look great on you! – He says, taking a dark-blue jacket from a bag and comming near the mirror – Look at this one! We're matching!

- Oh I don't like that one! Ya look like a cop! – I laugh.

- Nah, nah, I'm a king! Here, lemme see, there was something more like a princess for you here somewhere.

He goes back to the bag and takes out some more clothes, finding another dress, long, pink and full of pearls, bringing it back to me.

- Here, try this one!

- I drop the blue dress and put the pink one in front of me – Wow, it's wonderful! But how do they walk with this much fabric?

I take a few gangly steps and we giggle. Medda has so many weird costumes here! But it really is fun. Specs drops the jacket and gets a big green hat with a peacock feather in it.

- Here, look, Y/N!

- Hey, doesn't Medda need that one?

- Let's see – we take a look at the sheets over at the table, but it doesn't look like the same hat. – I don't think so, in the bag it goes... Maybe we should sort'em out... This king one goes with the princess one... anda that blue dress... Here's another one, but yellow!

- Alright!

We keep at it, playing with some of the costumes, and sorting them all between the rack and the bags.

- I think ya shoul try this one out! – Specs says, throwing me a lilac leotard with lace around the legs and neck, a big bow on the back and a pair of stokings.

- I didn't know you was this cheecky, Specs! – I chuckle, blushing a bit – If I dress up, ya gonna see my legs!

- But ya've got to show ya legs if ya want to dance at the theater!

- Right, then ya gonna wear one too? – I throw the costume back at him, laughing.

He chuckles – No way! Ya can already see my legs, look! – He jumps around, kicking his legs.

- Let's get this over with! Maybe Medda'll let us watch a bit of the show! – I say, seeing that there's only one costume from the drawings left for us to find.

- Okay, okay, let's go!

It don't take long till we find it, so we put it over in the rack and shove the rest into the bags. We leave the room and get more biscuits, when Medda shows up.

- Are ya done, kids? You're fast, thank you so much! Here, 2 dollars each.

I get the coins with admiration, I don't even know if all this is gonna fit in my pocket .

- Thanks, Medda! – I say, hugging her tightly.

- Thanks, Medda! – Specs copies me again, and in order to hug Medda, ends up hugging me too.

Medda herself hugs us back, she's really so kind!

- What did you think of my costumes? Pretty, huh?

- They's mazing! We can help whenever ya want! – I say excitedly.

- Next time, can we try some of them on? – Specs asks.

- Oh, course you can! I'm glad you had fun! Come by and watch a performance someday, will you? That way you can see the costume on stage!

- Oh, I'd love to! But Specs doesn't wanna watch, he wants ta dance! – I say, realizing the dark boy got embarrassed.

- I-I...

- Oh, deary, that's great! If you want to show me what you got, I can find you a side hustle here!

Specs stares at me with a huge smile, I don't think he was expecting this, and he seems thankfull.

- Only if Y/N come dance too!

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