Chapter 8

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Alex's POV

A couple of days had passed since I had sent my risky text to Noah, and I received no reply. I wasn't sure if my text had crossed a line or if he was simply uninterested in the game I was playing. I continued about my life, though, moping on the couch and binge watching whatever TV show seemed interesting. After the 5th TV show that I scrolled through today, I decided to go for a run.

Normally, I would run for about 4 miles to clear my head and stay in shape for work, but today I decided to cut it short after about a mile, due to my burn starting to hurt. On my way back to my own home, I decided to run past Noah's house to see the state of it in the daylight. It seemed a restoration crew had begun to fix the damage caused by the fire.

After surveying the houses condition, I continued on my way to my own home. As I rounded the corner of my fence, I ran straight into someone. The force of my collison with the person caused me to lose my balance and begin to fall until I felt the strangers arms grab me to steady me. When I looked up, I was met with gorgeous chocolate eyes staring back at me. Studying the face around those chocolate doe eyes, I realized that the stranger was Noah.

"OH my gosh, I'm so sorry!" I said, getting my wits about me. He just chuckled and gave me his signature smile. "What are you doing here?"

He again said nothing and flashed me his smile while holding up a bouquet of beautiful yellow Daffodils. I stood in shock, staring at the flowers. Daffodils were my favorite flowers and were not readily available at the local Walmart to buy in a bouquet. Meaning that Noah would have had to go to an actual flower shop to buy them.

"How did you.....?"

"I saw you had some Daffodils on your counter in a vase, and they looked kinda like they were dying, so I brought you some new ones," he said, cutting me off.

"Thank you so much. They are absolutely beautiful. You didn't have to get me flowers," I said, taking the flowers from him.

"I also came here to.... uh... well to ask you if you'd go to dinner with me?" He said, nervously rubbing his hand on the back of his neck. "I mean... you don't have to I was just wondering...."

"Noah! I would love to have dinner with you," I cut him off. "When were you thinking?"

"Uh.... well is tonight a good night?" he asked with a goofy grin plastered on his face.

"Definately! How should I dress and what time will you be picking me up?"

"I will pick you up around 7 pm and dress fancy," he said giving me a wink and kiss on the cheek before walking back to his car, leaving me to get ready.



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