Chapter 4

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Authors Note:
Hello everyone. Just wanted to say thanks for reading I really appreciate it. I'd love to hear your guy's thoughts on the story so far. If you guys have any ideas you'd like to share feel free to drop a comment. ❤️ Thanks again!

Alex's POV

"Noah, you've got to open your eyes and answer me" I said lightly slapping his cheek.

"Mmmmm" he groaned at me "'M fine."

I silently cursed trying to figure out what I was going to do. Noah, who I had just met earlier today, was drunk as hell, passed out on the front lawn of his burned down house, and could barely form coherent sentences.

"Where are you guys staying Noah? I can drive you back there so you can sleep this off," I said to him to which he replied with only a grunt.

Shit, I thought to myself. I could try to get him in my car and just take him back to my place. Then hopefully in the morning he remembers where they are staying at and I'll take him back there.

"Alright, Noah. You gotta help me walk to the car over there," I said pointing to my car parked on the curb. He lifted himself up and bashfully got to his feet.

It took a few minutes and lots of help from me but I was finally able to get Noah into the back seat of my car. The man was a giant and was freakishly tall and I didn't think he'd fit in the passenger seat in his drunken state. Once he was settled I made my way to the driver's seat to take us back to my house.

Surprisingly it was easier getting Noah out of the car than it was getting him in the car. We had made it about halfway up my lawn when Noah stopped, saying "I think I'm gonna puke" before dropping to his knees and beginning to violently vomit. When he was finished I helped him back to his feet and we continued our trek to my front door.

We finally made it inside and then came the challenge of where to have the drunk, freakishly tall stranger sleep for the night. I decided that the couch was probably the best spot for him, but his shirt and Sweatpants were covered in vomit.

"Noah, you are covered in vomit. You need to take off your shirt and Sweatpants before you lay down on my couch," I told him as I began to help him slide his Sweatpants off.
"Take me to dinner first, geez," he slurred after I stripped his shirt off leaving him in only his boxers. I snorted at his comment and made him sit on the couch.

"I'm cold now," he whined with a pouty look on his face. I sighed and chuckled at this complete stranger acting like a little kid on my couch.

"Stay there. I'm going to change  then I'll be back with some blankets for you to keep warm. If you need to puke here's the trash can," I told him scooting the trash can next to the couch then heading to my room to change.

I quickly changed into some Sweatpants and a loose tshirt so as to try not to agitate my burn. I grabbed several extra blankets that I had for Noah to use. When I walked back out to the couch I found Noah laying down and passed out. I gently laid a few blankets Over top of his giant body. As I went to step away and head for my own bed I felt Noah grab my wrist.

"Don't leave me, please," he whined, his head partially shoved into the pillow. I sighed and lowered myself to the floor next to the couch. Once I sat, Noah's grip on my arm loosened but he never fully let go of my arm.

He mostly slept through the night, waking up every once in awhile to vomit into the trash can. And each time he would get sick I'd wake up and rub soft, gentle circles on his back to try and help calm him down. Eventually he stopped vomiting and we both fell asleep until the morning.

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