7. I'm Sorry...... Build.

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Author's POV:

The chaos during the party was really devastating for Brett's, especially Build because he was broken by the truth about Mrs.Brett tried to sell him in a child trafficking ring.

Now Build was crying in his grandmother Yai's lap, and the whole family is regretting for not trusting Build's mother at that time. If they had trusted her at that time, she was not get killed by Mrs.Brett and Build was not getting abandoned by them.

Meanwhile Mrs.Brett's blood test report was taken, and it's confirmed that she's taken drugs in the middle of the party. Due to the hangover, she spilt the truth about from murdering Build's mother to selling him in child trafficking ring.

At night......

Yai, who was sleeping with Build, woke up because she felt his absence in the room and searching him in the house.

Yai: Build...... Build.....Bui...... Yah!!!!

Build: Yai....

Yai: Where you had gone child????

Build: Restroom Yai. I don't want to disturb you because you were sleeping.

Yai: Come with me, child......

Yai took Build with her and slept, but he wasn't feeling sleepy because something was going to happen in a few days in his life. But he doesn't know what that's.

Morning at Brett's mansion......

Servants: Good morning, young master Build.

Build: Good morning...... *What is going on here??? Am I living in a dream or hell????*

Sammy: Good morning, Bui..... come and eat breakfast with us.

Build: Hehe......

Build sat on dining table and ate his food. Jennie served food for everyone, including Build with care

Jennie: Son.... do you want some cheese???

Build: No thanks.

Jennie became sad, and Adam gave chilli and tomato sauce to Build and he replied, "Thanks" to Adam, then Sammy and Jennie were shocked with the scenario, but Mia knew that Adam was treating him like his younger brother and he's the one who teach school lessons to Build.

After breakfast, Mia stopped everyone, and she needed to talk with everyone.

Mia: Mom, Dad, I want to tell you something.

Sammy: What's that....????

Mia: About the problem at school........ I am the one who blamed Build, and he is innocent........Actually, I'm the one..... who put the drama to blame him.....and get him out of the school.

Jennie: What????!!!!!! WHAT YOU HAD DONE MIA BRETT?????!!!!!

Sammy: Jennie, calm down!!!!

Jennie: How can I??? Because of her , I blamed him and got him out of school!!!!..... I'm...... (Jennie started to cry)

Build was crying, and Adam was angry with his parents and sibling.

Mia: Build...... I'm sorry..... I'm really sorry!!!! I'm ashamed of myself after knowing the whole truth, and I spoiled your studies. Please forgive me, Build...... Please (Mia started to cry)

Jennie: Son...... Please forgive me for my behaviour. Due to my anger at your mother, I made you suffer since birth until yesterday. After knowing the truth, I realised that........ the horrible person I had in my entire life. Please forgive me, son........

Sammy: Sorry, Build, I became the worst father ever in my life due to my negligence towards you......... My love towards my wife hid truth about you and your mother. Please forgive me, child...... I will enrol you in the biggest international school. I will buy you toys,...... books and favourite food...... for you but please don't be indifferent to us please.......... (Sammy started to cry)

The whole family started to cry for their ill behaviour towards Build, and his reply was a bigger shock to them.

Build: I thought one day you all would accept me as your family. But...... the day never came until the truth was exposed........... You guys never thought about me that....... after my mother's death...... I was abandoned, and Yai is the one who raised me...........

What if I ask you that I want my mother back ????

What if I ask that I want my lost childhood back?????

What if I ask that I want happiness in my life????

Will you guys give me????? I think you guys can't do that for me. (Painfully smiles at everyone)

Build: You all are big cowards!!!!!
Please leave me alone for some time!!!!!

Like that Build ran away from the dining hall and everyone started to cry including Adam and George unable to understand the situation and playing in his fantasy world.

To be continued 💙💙💙💙💙.

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