"Just shake it off, your fine," Bobby said. People started laughing, pointing at her causing me to growl under my breath, glaring at them. That shut them up. 


I was in coaches office talking to him about my dad, when all of a sudden he stood up with a look of surprise.

"What?" I asked with a frown.

"I forgot an announcment, principals gonna kill me if he finds o ut," He grumbled and walked to the door, opening it. He whistled and caught everyone's attention. I stood up from the edge of the desk and stood behind him leaning on the door frame, my eyes scannin gthe crowd of boys. 

"Hey listen up! Anybody see's Isaac Lahey you immediately tell the principal, get a teacher or you call me, except for you Greenburg. Don't call me for anything. I'm not kidding don't call me, you shouldn't even have my phone number," He reminded everyone.

I giggled at the last remark and shook my head at him. He ruffled my hair up and I playfully punched him on the shoulder. 

How I know the coach is through my dad, when Thunder and I were little we had moved around a lot, starting out in Colorado, then on the outskirts of Texas, then Hollywood before moving to North Carolina and then finally Beacon Hills, California but we never knew where mom and dad met. Turns out they lived here and went to this very school. Bobby was one of my fathers friends, however that was only in school. He was friends with someone else outside of school, someone like him, but before he could tell us that, he was cut off and he never finished it. 

Thunder and I are still waiting to find out who it was, apparently he would've been our godfather.

I shook my head and moved out of the room, noticing that coach had disappeared when suddenly I overheard Scott and Stiles talking.

"Dude its Isaac!" Scott said in a shocked tone. 

"Its Derek's problem now," Stiles said in a bored tone.

I watched with a frown as Scott's face morphed into one of horror, fright and worry as he pushed past the boys in the locker room, leaving Stiles looking startled. 

I followed after Stiles, smiling at the boys as they scrambled to cover their junk, shocked to see a girl in the locker room, you'd think they'd enjoy it, guess not.

Then I caught the sight of Erica in Scott's arms, coming out of the PE hall. I had a bad feeling about her, she had caught the eye of that group and I know when that happens it's something bad. 


The next day dragged on and on. I rarely see Thunder anymore, even in classes, such as the one  I was in now, Biology, and today we were watching a small clip about cellular blood types. It was the only science subject I actually enjoyed and knew. The other two were just another foreign language to me. 

Getting bored of listening to the tape and throwing weird facial expression with Thunder, I let my eyes wonder around the room when I heard voices right behind me and decided to listen. I know, I know it's rude of me, but, like I said, I'm bored that is a perfect justification. 

"Dude what the hell did you do to my camera?" I chuckled at thoughts in my head. Ooh... I turned behind me to see Matt glaring at Jackson. He looked bored and tired as he stared at him.

"Huh?" Jackson said in reply.

"The lenses were wrecked" Matt explained. I could here Jackson sigh. "Did you drop it?" Matt asked. When there was no reply I looked towards Jackson but he was too busy watching the tape, as if something was drawing him.

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