[CHAPTER FIVE] "Mr & Mrs Deandre Lamarr Webber, Again."

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The day of the wedding

Mariah watched as her bridesmaids and groomers walked down the aisle. Her father was fixing his tie. She started to cry when the grandmothers walked baby girl down the aisle. She wanted both of her parents included in the wedding and what other perfect way could they have be included.

"Girl don't you start all that weeping!" He sounded just like Michaela. "It's just so beautiful pa." She cried on his shoulder.

"Forget the world now, we won't let them see
But there's one thing left to do"

"It's our turn little girl. It's time for me to walk you to your husband." He kissed her forehead. "You all grown up now. You don't need me anymore." He stared to choke up.

"Now that the weight has lifted"

"I'll always need you papa." They hugged briefly and got themselves together to walk out.

"Marry me"

Mariah got to walk down the aisle to their song playing. They loved both train. And they always danced to this song. And he never thought it made him look like a punk because she was his girl.

By the time she got to Deandre she was crying a little. But she trying to hold it together. As she stood in front of him, she found it hard to look into his eyes without crying. She was so happy and couldn't control it. She just wanted to give him a hug. So she did. And everybody laughed.

"I'm sorry, I'm pregnant y'all so give me a second." They all cheered and Mariah started laughing.

"Sorry I didn't mean to tell you like this." She looked up at Deandre. "That was prefect don't trip."

Once she got herself together, the ceremony continued on. And of course no one objected. They both wrote their own vows,

"Honey I love you. You are the person I want by my side many years from now. You've been there since seventh grade and I can't see myself without you. I believe in you, I trust you with my life and I know that you will always be my protector. I promise to never stop taking care of you and I'll never share my art ideas with anyone." Deandre's eyes lit up. He couldn't believe she remembered he said that to her when he was 14.

"You remember that?" They were both tearing up a little bit as Mariah nodded her head yes.

"Words can't describe.. how I feel about you. How I've always felt about you. I never want to be without my girl. When I was alone, trying to get away from the drama at parents house, I made a home with you. And being with you gave me peace. I promise to never stop taking care of you. You give me purpose. You give me a reason to smile. I try to think of different ways to show my love for you every day because I never want you to stop thinking I don't appreciate you because I do. I never want to see you unhappy, that would break my heart. I promise to do everything humanly possible to keep you happy."

They jumped the broom with Zein in Deandre's arm. After walking down the aisle, They went over to the well to take pictures in the garden. Deandre pulled Mariah away to the side so they could talk.

"Another one?" He smiled her and gave her another hug. "That's great baby."

"Can I still work?"

"Are you worrying about that right now?" Mariah didn't say anything. She was regretting bringing it up now.

"Let's go take some pictures with the baby.." He agreed and they hugged. Deandre was starting to get worried she was putting work above everything else. He thought this was what Michaela was talking about but Mariah wasn't worried he wouldn't be happy, she was worried she wouldn't be able to work.

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