[CHAPTER EIGHTEEN] "Baby, you're the reason."

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Deandre's birthday trip,

"I already told you man.. I need some time with my girls." Deandre said to Steph as they spoke outside while Mariah looked around the cabin.

"You told me to only let you know about any offers that was on your budget. One song with him can help pay for this cabin.. because I know she's going to love this place."

"And that's why you picked this one?"

Steph just threw his hands up, "You told me to hook you up, I'm just doing my job." Steph was always trying to get him to collaborate with other artists but Deandre wasn't going to rap with anyone who didn't see his vision.

"Sometimes I have to put the girls first." Deandre wanted the time with his girls. And although the money looked right, he wanted to enjoy every minute of his break. After they wrapped up their conversation, Deandre stepped out the cold to enjoy his vacation. He knew if he started taking gigs during his time off now he wouldn't take another break soon.

"I love this place baby." Mariah said holding her glass of wine. "I started the water upstairs for us."

"I could use a good massage wife."

"Come on, let's see if these bath salts will help your back first." They both stripped and got into the hot bath together. Mariah had her glass of wine and Deandre laid back against the wall rubbing her feet.

"What were you and Steph talking about?"

"Mack Neville wants me to do a feature for his new joint and Steph was telling me the song sounded hot but I like my break right now."

"It doesn't take you long to write a song though and I like him, I think you guys would sound great together."

"Did Steph already talk with you about this?"

"No, this is the first I'm hearing about it. But I think it's a good idea."

Deandre closed his eyes once again and enjoyed the water on his body. "I hope the girls aren't driving your parents crazy."

"In their eyes, the girls can't do no wrong. I called while you were outside to make sure we got signal up here. Otherwise I would've wanted to go somewhere else."

"Yeah that was mandatory. We gotta be able to call the home."

"Did you call the guys about Nicole's toilet?"

"Yeah it'll be fixed by the time we get back home." Deandre grabbed her hand, "Let's talk about us.."

"Are we okay?" They didn't have any tension at the moment. It was a few things they were navigating through like the girls health, Deandre's mom, and their careers but they were still going strong.

"I want to make sure if you have any feelings about anything, we can talk about it now.."

"I want to come to one of your performances.. you know I haven't seen you perform in person for a while."

"I'll make sure we have the nurses for my first show back so you can come. You know I always love when you're there." Mariah used to go to his club performances all the time on her nights off but he was performing in stadiums and theaters now. And most of the time, he wasn't in Los Angeles.

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