humble beginnings

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*5 years ago*
*Miyhara's POV*

I was quite surprised when I woke up, having the sun hit my eyes because my curtains were left open due to the previous events that occurred,

what surprised me was the sun itself, our town was notorious for its gloomy weather and most of the tourist attractions revolved around that to make it more suitable for foreigners

I was soaking up every moment of it because I didn't get to experience it that often

I suddenly felt a shift beside me and almost fell off the bed before realising it was just my sister Timira

we had to share a room ever since our dad made a bad business decision in his already suffering career

I knew it was wrong to think those things but atleast before we lived in a house that could fit everyone comfortably

we still loved him though, and even mum tried getting a job to help make ends meet

they told us not to stress but I couldn't help but want to get a job, both to help my family, and to enjoy the things I loved

Timira on the other hand decided her after school job would be to come home and finish watching whatever new series she was obsessed with at the time

I didn't exactly hate her for it, she wasn't selfish or anything, just a bit lazy is all

or atleast that's what I told myself to keep from ripping the remote out of her hand and shoving it down her throat

and the thing is I was 11 and she was 15, she was supposed to be the one helping out our family

the next day after school I decided to stop at a local coffee shop near by and ask them for a job offering

ofcourse the employee laughed in my face and said "run along kid, you're to young for this"

as if she didn't have the brain of a five year old, I thought to myslef

she was Timiras friend and I've seen her grades

she only passed because she cheated and even then she barely made it

I rolled my eyes and walked out on her but not before watching her drink out of the customers cup thinking it was hers

I giggled knowing she was in for it and it brightend up my mood a bit


I looked around cautiously thinking that someone had followed me home


I turned around to see my one of a kind bestfriend run to our yard with a penguin plushie in his arms

"oh hey Austin, what's up" I said relieved I wouldn't have to fight anyone today

no one could handle the wrath of miyhara juliet ohien

(Idk why 11 year old me thought she could fight off any bad guy)

"hey Mia, I got you this penguin plushie cause I knew you love penguins and it also reminds me of that time whe-"

(Did I also mention Austin was a blabber mouth? but I loved him for that)

"yes yes, I remember Austin, thank you so much for the gift" I said cutting him off knowing that he could go on for ages if I didn't

"you're welcome" he replied smiling sweetly at me handing me the plushie

I invited him in without a second thought because his family was also in a similar situation, so I knew he wouldn't judge us

my mum greeted us both warmly with a bear hug and a kiss on each cheek

she also loved Austins company and was grateful that I had made a friend in the year that we had been here

me and Austin actually became friends the first day we got here

"I need to go to work right now sweetheart, but there's ice cream in the fridge and a meal already waiting in the microwave" she said pointing at it

at this point I was already used to this routine and knew to warm the meals when I was hungry and leave one for my sister

my mum also took the time to make Austin a meal aswell

we both nodded as we watched my mother leave for work, then we headed upstairs to my room

me and Austin opened my window again today to climb onto the roof where we did our homework and talked about all the drama at school

I told him about all the girls crushes and fights, while he told me all the boys secrets and brawls

we told eachother these things because we knew that neither of us would tell anyone else what we said to eachother

we also shared all of our own secrets to eachother trusting eachother whole heartedly

everyone in town called us the lock and key duo implying that whatever happens or is said between us stayes between us

and it was true, we were closer than any other bestfriend duo ever

sure we still had other friends, but no one got in-between us

even our families started to ship us and joke that we would get married and run away together one day

it was all jokes but a part of me started to wish it wasn't

I didn't know why I suddenly had such strong feelings for him but I decided to push them down and hope for the best

but I couldn't help getting butterflies every time he touched my arm, or gave me a hug

I went to go tell Timira about this new felling the next day, but all she did was tease me and laugh


I didn't really mind though, it just felt good to get it off my chest

what I hadn't expected though was what news my father decided to share with us during the late evening.


the parts where (its written like this with brackets) is to show future miyharas thoughts

and when it's like this without brackets is to show 11 yr old miyharas thoughts

this is my first ever story on wattpad and I'm not really sure how this will go

im thinking of having an upload schedule of Thursdays and Saturdays but it might change

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