good bye

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Prompt idea given by _Heedeungie_
Girl gave me awesome prompt ideas, thank you friend for that ❤


I drove quickly, as fast as possible. I need to be quick, before it's too late. Guess what, here I was stuck in a traffic. I kept honking again and again hoping they here my plea and traffic is sorted out.
Few vehicle passangers looked at me as if I was a maniac for continuous honking. when I knew Honking won't solve my problem I stopped it frustrated.

I sighed and looked at my wrist,
It's 9:15. God the flight takes off at 9:30 I better hurry.
To my least luck the traffic moved and I rushed my scooty like an Emergency Ambulance.

By the time I reached Airport it was 9:25 I ran here and there and was stopped by security,
Everyone passed weird glances
At me and the security kicked me out of the airport, when I requested them I wanted to meet someone. That someone was shubman Gill. They said it's a private plane and no outsider is allowed. Little did the security knew I wasn't some outsider but his other half.

I came out of the airport, and got drenched the moment I stepped out. It was raining heavily, I looked up and saw plane flew away. I knew I lost him. Again.

Shubman Gill, my ex,
We live in Chandigarh,
A passionate Cricketer.
Struggling to cement his place in the under 19 championship.

Due to my transfers I had to shift to patna, I thought he will be happy when he knows I landed my dream college as an student , but NO instead he was frustrated. I understand, he was struggling hard and deserved to be a part of team.
But taking that frustration out on me?

With anger I also said few things I didn't mean, like he didn't deserve to be a part of U-19
I even told him hope his selection never takes place.
I was rude, very rude. I realized it l was wrong and shouldn't have said that.
From that day onwards we broke up, blocked each other and never talked.

I started preparing for my college, today papa was reading newspaper and read the sports column which printed the names of selected Players.
Shubman's name was on top.
He told me he was happy for shubman's selected so Was I.
He told me to call shubman and invite him on dinner.

I held my phone and realized we aren't those cute couples any more. I Tightened the grip around my phone and started crying. All of the guilt for saying him bad things rushed down my spine. Papa was worried and asked if Shubman did anything wrong to me, he was ready to break the bones of that guy.
I made papa calm and made him understand the situation.

He told me to go to airport and catch him, apologize to him,
Tell him my heart out.
Everything vanished.
I couldn't tell him I was sorry,
I cried in the monsoon night feeling cold. Good that my tears weren't visible in the rain.

He was gone. But his name is still engraved in my heart,
No one can rub that or replace that. Wherever you are shubman, however you are, whatever you do, you always have me. I will love you and support you forever. When the whole world is against you, remember you have a cheerleader praying silently for you. Because I love you.
I didn't say goodbye to you, doesn't it mean it was our last.

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