Chapter 12

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*fast forward to the next day in history class*
I was really thinking though if i should do what i was about to. I quietly tryed to take a sticky note out of my pencil case, and started writing.

Im sorry, im a terrible person. What i did is unforgivable. If you would just allow me to explain maybe my actions would make more sence. You are truly the person i want to stay with.

Hesitantly, i pass over the note to him since we still sat next to each other.
I saw him read it. He flipped the sticky note over and started writing, i felt really scared, but i could obviously couldnt go back.

Then, he passed the note back.

I want to forgive you. I do, I need time though. Yes, i did also cheat on you but its because i thought you already moved on so i also did, thinking you didnt like me anymore. Ill let you explain at lunch later. Just meet me near my locker.

I let a small sigh of relief so c/n didnt notice

Time skippp

I walked to his locker with immense stress planning out what i was going to say.

Luckly, he was already standing there so i didnt have to wait.
I took a deep breath, and started to explian in as much detail as i could

While i was talking he would sometimes nicely interrupt me to say what he thought happened. It turns out he thought that i saw him and then pushed b/n out of the way to make it seem like i was the victim.

I could see that he was being very understanding and i simply made me happy. Did i have another chance?

I finally finished explaining and i was surprised to see that he was going in for a hug. There was no i could decline the 'offer' so i accepted the hug and we hugged for a short while before the music teacher started approaching us to get to her class. We quuckly stopped and before we went outside to enjoy our lunch, he asked, "So, um, are we dating again?"
I answered with a quick nod and smiled.

Then we went of to our friends and were happy that we had everything resolved.

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