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Nothing is keeping me from devolving when im alone, left alone with my thoughts and the rain outside my window. Of course, it's raining... all the noise is doing is giving the thoughts something to grow on, like ice crystals. I laugh it's almost comical, I got so far... So fucking far and it feels like im at square one. 'You deserved it. Look at you, pathetic you went back to him the moment he asked like a hurt puppy, this is what you get for what you did' I throw my pillow. "Shut up."

I can't sleep it's eating at me. Then an idea crosses my mind that seems utterly ridiculous to me. I sigh and get up leaving my room, I have no idea why im doing this.

Deku's POV.

The days had been pretty calm, everything after Kacchan and Kirishima got back together kind of rilled them up but it died quickly. I had been mulling it over in my mind for the last couple of days. Kirishima is the kind of person for second chances so it's still plausible that Kacchan did something, but it still doesn't make any sense, what happened? I know it's not my business, but it's been bothering me.

I tapped my pencil bit my lip and went over everything I knew which is nothing, to be fair. I sigh, I could try and ask Kacchan again but that didn't necessarily go as planned last time. I looked at my room and it was pretty messy, perfect. I stand up and decide to clean to get my mind off things.

I was sitting in my room, it was getting late and I was trying to finish an assignment. At about 2 am I hear a knock on my door. When I opened it my eyes went wide. "K-K kacchan?? What are you doing here it's so late?". He just grumbled in response. He was sweating and he was shaking. "Can- I just sleep over tonight, ill sleep on the damn floor, I dont care" I looked at him shocked, and ushered him inside. "Y-yeah of course kacchan, what happened??". He sat on the floor looking down at the wood. "I had another nightmare". The room fell silent, then he scoffed. "Go ahead make fun of me tell me im being childish, I know"

"N-no kacchan, what happened? What was it about? The sludge villain? The kidnapping" I rambled, and I assume it went on too long because he 'tsked' and I fell silent. "Yeah, but it was mostly about Kirishima." I gave him a confused look and he looked back down in shame. "H-he um..." He fiddled with his hands for a moment. "When we broke up, he cheated on me" His head was hung low, low enough I couldn't make out his facial expression, but his voice said it all, he sounded broken.


"Dont just don't" He pulled his knees to his chest hugging them tightly, as if trying to shrink up on himself. "You can't tell anyone.." Despite not being able to see his face, his voice cracked in a way that it only did when he was crying. "Kacchan! What do you mean I can't tell anyone, everyone thinks you did something bad. How can you sit there and tell me not to say anything, say nothing to clear your name??" My voice was frantic as kneeled in front of him, I grabbed his shoulders, and of course, he tried to pull away but I wouldn't let him, I couldn't, this was important, too important to let slide.

"It's none of your business Deku, I made my choice, no one needs to know" He finally looked up at me, his face broke my heart, and his eyes were even more red than they were when he got here fresh tears were streaming down his face. "Kacchan, you came to my room in the middle of the night, frantic and crying, it's my business now, and it's bothering you, so much that you came to ME of all people."

He just stared at me, "Please just dont tell anyone..." I sighed and nodded, theres no use arguing. We sat there in silence, once we both had calmed down, I finally spoke. "Do you wanna talk about it?". I hold my breath for the answer. Kacchan glass at me and then sighed, "He was cheating on me with Dunce face...." He looked away from me. "Go ahead call me stupid, dumb, a fool for getting back in him"

"Kacchan stop," I grab his shoulders again making him look at me. "Stop please, you know that I dont wanna say any of that," I sigh, "You're hurt it's okay, it's okay to be hurt, you're not weak or stupid or a fool." He pushes me away getting a good amount of distance. "I just dont think I can handle it anymore" He hides his face in his hands. "I keep punishing myself, for falling in love with him, for... for not seeing it sooner, for not knowing, for falling right back into his arms when he asked, for having night terrors every other night, for having panic attacks any time he even looks at that idiot, for being the idiot" He screamed throwing the pillow sitting next to him across the room. "What am supposed to do? Is this my punishment? Why is the universe set on kicking me while im down, I can't go two fucking seconds without some fucking traumatic shit happening, it's going to kill me,"

I let him ramble on not having the heart to stop him before he's gotten it all off his chest, he slumped forward into his lap. "Kacchan... you're not getting punished, you know I forgive you, you've become a better person, theres nothing for you to get punished for"

"Then what's the point of all of this for then?!?" He shouted. "If it's not a punishment, what's going on is some cosmic entity doing this for kicks?" He was laughing now, there was something so broken about it, something that scared me.

"Kacchan- please just listen to me, I dont know why all this is happening to you but please calm down, sometimes things happen" I shook him by his shoulders my eyes pleading as I begged him to calm down. We sat in silence for a while his breathing calmed down subtly as we sat there. He hugged his knees closer to himself.

I sigh looking at him as I get up. "Hey let's get some rest, sleep on it, okay?" He nods, and I grabbed him a pillow and an extra blanket. "Thanks, Deku" He whispered as he finally lays down on his back.

"You're welcome Kacchan"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2023 ⏰

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