Don't talk to me pt.2

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this part was gonna be longer but my mom gave me the impression she was gonna take my computer for something so i couldn't let her know i have this so i decided to get something posted.... plz read the new description on the story and, i love you guys my readers.

Kirishima's POV

Fuck... I fucked everything up, he was doing so well and I undid all of his self-improvement, I hurt him... far more than he could ever hurt me. Kami was sitting across from me, we had agreed that everything had to end, that I couldn't do it anymore, and being with him would make everything worse.

I was hugging my knees covering my face, tears stinging my eyes. I wouldn't allow Kami to sit any less than 5 feet away and he was right in front of me. "Why did I let this happen?" I mumbled. He sighed "No it's my fault I shouldn't have put myself on to you."

"You don't fucking get it Kaminari, I didn't stop you... I didn't tell him the truth, I let you talk me out of it." I covered my face. "Kirishima... You're the best person I know, you'll get through this." He grabbed my hand. "Kami!! No, don't even... Bakugou would have never done this to me... To anyone... he was getting better... For me... and I-i-i did this to him" I was choking back tears, Danki looked like he didn't know what to say.

"And what are we gonna do tomorrow if he comes to school and ultimately tells everyone what we did". I looked up at Kaminari who had the gall to ask that. "Are you kidding me bro... that's like.... I mean it's a problem but one that we have no control over and deserve.". I was stammering over my words when I heard a knock on the door I looked up to see Kami already looking at whoever it was. He opened the door and Mina was standing outside it. "Fuck" I rubbed my eyes waving him in. He sat down and now the three of us were in a triangle. Kaminari shrugged, obviously bummed, but not as much as he should, and I shook my head, almost unable to speak. "Did Bakugou get home safe?" I whispered. "Yeah, but it was a silent drive other than an occasional direction when he couldn't just point.... So it was odd." he sighed. "I'm sorry Mina..." I whispered knowing that it wasn't him I should apologize to.

Mina shrugged "You didn't do anything to me..." Kaminari looked up "Are you gonna tell anyone?"I almost slapped him in the face.

"No... I'm not... that's for Bakugou to do... not me" Kaminariand I sighed, relieved and even more nervous. "But you two better fucking apologize, what were ya'll thinking?" Mina scolded, "We will '' I promised. "We weren't thinking".

That's when the phone rang and I looked at it. It was Bakugou. "Fuck-" I stumble for the phone

"Baku-" I start and I already know this is a bad idea

"SHUT up," he snapped, his voice cracking. It immediately goes quiet. "How long?" he whispers barely audibly.

"Umm.. can we not do this over the phone?" I ask softly, trying not to escalate the situation. "How fucking long Kirishima?!"I can hear the sadness in his voice, I'm sure he's crying. It goes quiet again.

"Four months," I sighed in a whisper. The moment the s rolled off my lips I heard an explosion, a big bump and it hung up. I sighed, turning my phone off. "Man I fucked things up" I sighed looking up at Mina. "How long did you know?"

He looked at me confused. "What?". I sighed again "I know you're the one who told Bakugou, how long did you know beforehand?". There was a moment of silence. "Since we all went to the mall, I heard yall thru the door when I went to get you, but I wasn't sure so I didn't say anything till the theater when I saw you two kissing". A look of shame fell across our faces. "So I guess tomorrow we have to face the music" Kaminari sighed "I'm going to sleep before our execution, you two have a good night." He got up and left

Mina looked at him with a semi-annoyed look but didn't say anything. The door shut and Mina looked at me "Him...? Really?" He half-joked. I sighed "I don't know, it just all happened so fast and by the time I realized what I did... it was too late." 

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