020-she's evil, most definitely

Start from the beginning

With him controlling, Billy easily opened the gate and came face to face with the girl he required. The girl he had to find.

"You're making it easier for me, you know." Billy stared at the girl, voice slightly distorted by him.  "You could run and turn this into a game, yet you stand here.  Allowing me to take you to him."

"I'm not running because I know you aren't gonna fucking stop until you have me." Carla spat, face unwavering. Huh, she was serious.  After all the fighting at the pool, she was finally just giving in. "I'm so done with you hurting my friends.  If you want me, then take me.  There's no reason to harm them too."

"He doesn't do compromises." the Hargrove states, "He wants you, sure.  But he's going to hurt your friends—your Eleven—no matter what.  Whether you give in now, or force me to take you.  Your choice." 

"It's my choice as much as it's your choice, Billy." Carla's gaze slightly softened, as if she thought she could get to him. "I know it isn't you in your head He's controlling you, making you hurt me and the others Do you really want to hurt Maxine?  You don't have to listen to him."

"I do." Billy's own thoughts were pushed back by his Bring her to me now. "And once we have you, you'll understand why."

Carla let out a breath as if she were deciding something.  Standing so close was making the voice in Billy's head chant even harder—Get her, get her, get her—and Billy didn't even have a chance to reply before the Mind Flayer was forcing him forwards, towards her. 

The Wheeler seemed to realize what was about to happen and shook her head, "Billy, you don't have to hurt me.  Don't listen to him—just take me to him without hurting me, please.  I won't try and run—" He knew her words were true based on her content manner, unlike how she'd been at Hawkins Pool but he really didn't care.  His job was easier if she was out cold for a few moments.

So, with ease, the Hargrove used his Mind Flayer induced strength to grab her, causing the girl to let out a harsh yelp.  Without a blink of an eye, the boy tossed her towards the loading dock gate, watching as the side of her head slammed against the metal.  Her scream of pain didn't affect him whatsoever—another side effect of having him in your head; no emotion.

The Wheeler fell backwards, clearly having been knocked out by the hit—the metal had hit her temple, which was rather sensitive.  One wrong hit and you're out....he learned that from previous fights—and the Hargrove caught her, just as he had in the life guards closet.

Good, the voice spoke, more pleased that he'd completed a step, Now bring her to me. I'll take over from there.

Billy did as he was told; He wasn't failing again.

Carla knew what she was getting herself in to when she didn't follow the kids.

She was setting herself up to be possessed, to be hurt by Billy, to be taken over by the Mind Flayer.  Was Carla Wheeler ready for it? No.  No matter how much she tried to convince herself, Carla knew she'd never be ready to give herself up.  Whether or not it was for the kids, for Steve, to have a better chance at surviving—maybe if she just gave in, he'd fucking leave them alone.  

³𝐆𝐎𝐍𝐄, 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐭𝐨𝐧 ✔Where stories live. Discover now