The Wolf of the Moutains

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(Hey this is my first ever story so forgive me if it doesn't seem polished. this is a project I'll do in my free time to have fun writing and learn new things about writing in general.
that being said have fun reading my story)

(Obviously I don't own anything from Highschool DxD Or Elden Ring)

Deep in a secluded part near Kyoto a large humanoid Wolf with midnight black fur is strolling through the snow, it was large about 3 meters in Hight if it stood on its rear feet. Its body posture was also very hunched over so that it needed to use at least one arm to stabilize it. But the most memorizing part of his appearance were his 4 bushy tails swaying in the wind. The black wolf seemed to be unbothered by the cold environment as continued it's way throughout the mountain not stopping until it reached a cave near the peak.

The inside of the cave was much larger than the outside would, it almost looked like a temple of some sorts....

"I'm back Yasaka!" The Wolf called out. shortly after a Beautiful Kitsune dressed in a shrine maidens attire walked out of the shrine. She looked about to be in her mid 20s but the amount of tails on her backside said something else, she too had 4 gorgeous fox tails swaying with delight at the sight of the Wolf.

"Finally it was getting boring Maliketh, u left me here for 3 hours!" she exclaimed whilst pouting. The now named Maliketh smiled at her antics. He walked over to her and layed his paw on her head. "Sorry Yasaka but I needed to retrieve a piece of the blade of death that Susano-sama shattered when he and Amaterasu-sama had their altercations. I'm honestly surprised Izanami-sama didnt get too mad about the shattering of her gift to my Family" Maliketh says whilst looking as if he was deep in thought.

"Stop thinking about the past and change to a more suitable form so I can give you a hug" Yasaka exclaimed. Maliketh did as he was told and soon red and black flames covert him huge frame and soon a relatively tall young man stood in his place. He had shoulder length white hair with Black accents. His face was sharp and his eyes were a piercing crimson color. The now changed Maliketh now had 2 wolf ears at the top of his head and 4 Wolf Tails swaying from his backside. He wore a completely black Kimono that didn't cover his right arm instead it was covered with bandages and littered with seals to contain the energy of death. In his right hand lay a pure black Katana with a Pale white hilt and a grey guard. (His Human form can be changed to you guys' liking but the only things that are set in stone by me are his hair, eyes and attire)

"Before u shower me with affection I want to put this back onto its place." Maliketh said before leading the both of them into the main room of the shrine. In the middle of the Room was an altar dedicated to Izanami. Maliketh approached it and Placed it above the the shrine and just like that the weapon of death was suspended in mid air floating above the altar.

 Maliketh approached it and Placed it above the the shrine and just like that the weapon of death was suspended in mid air floating above the altar

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"Now since that is done, come here" Yasaka half demanded. soon she embraced him into a hug that lasted a couple of minutes. "We've been friends since our parents introduced us to each other when we were 12 that is over 400 years ago and our friendship is still holding strong" Undenounced to her when she said the word 'friendship' Maliketh's heart stunk as if someone had stabbed him then and there. He still wanted to confess to her before she had to leave for her training to become Amaterasu-samas chosen to lead the Yokai Faction. 'Only 3 more months and Amaterasu-sama will send her to train under Her to become the Yokai Factions leader' Maliketh thought '3 more months to confess!' He tried bringing himself to finally say what has been bothering him since they reached the early age of 25 in their long life. Since he was the harbor of the Black Blade he is functionally immoral, well when it comes to ageing he could still be killed by external forces. And when Yasaka will be crowned leader of the Yokai's she will gain this 'Trait' aswell.

The Black Wolf of Death (HIghschool DxD X Maliketh reader)Where stories live. Discover now