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So let's start chapter 3

Avneet went to hospital and saw abhishek, vaishnavi ( abhishek ' s wife) and sid's mother was standing in front of the operation theatre.

Avni: what happened bhai ? Why you all are there?

Abhi(controlling himself): avneet, siddharth tried to suicide.

Avni(shockingly): WHAT!!! WHY???

Abhi: don't know but nowadays he becomes so quiet. He used to think something. He was looking so depressed. And he also lost his job.
And today he jumped from 5th floor

Suddenly doctor came. All went to doctor.

Abhi: Is he ok?

Doc: we saved her but...

Sm(mother): but what

Doc: but he is in coma

Everyone: WHAT!!!

Doc: you can see him but don't make much sounds.

Avni: you all go I will go next

Everyone went to siddharth and came back after see him . Then avni went. Her heart stopped beating cause she never think she have to see him in this state That also for suicide.

Avni ( slowly like whishper): what is this siddharth, huh? Firstly you broke my heart . I didn't say anything because you were happy. I didn't suicide as I promised you. Now you broke my promise trust and everything. Why  siddharth why??? What was your pain? Why you took this stupid decision? I hate you huh...

Suddenly she remembered about the latter what sid gave her at noon. She quickly went to home and saw the letter on her table. She picked up letter and open it. Then she got the biggestshock of her life.

Avneet's pov

What the hell. How can they do that with my sid. I wil not leave them. It was my fault . Why I didn't listen to my sid. Why??? I opened my phone and I saw there was thousands of calls and messages from sid. How can I be that selfish. MK COMPANY I WON'T LEAVE YOU. then I opened my phone and saw mk company's interview will start from after 9 months. I become so angry because I have to wait for this fucking 9 months.

Avneet's pov end

After 10 months

Avneet  come to a hospital with a paper in her hand with a smiling face . She went to cabin where sid was lying on bed like a dead body. She sit beside him .

Avneet : hi, good  morning. How are you??? Sorry bandar as I didn't come to meet you for 2 weeks . You  know na I was very busy with these interviews. And you know what today I got job in that MK COMPANY. Now I will make their life hell . But why you are talking with me. It's almost 10 months you are not even looking at me. Plz talk to me. How can I will fight against them. Whatever if you don't ok I  will fight.

Then she left from there. 

Letter will be revealed leter

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