Chapter 2

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Minji nervously walked back to her friend group with Haerin, but Hanni wasn't anywhere to be seen when she got there.

"Where's Hanni?" The green eyed girl asked, wanting to apologise to her best friend. "She told us she wanted to be alone after you ran off" Danielle snapped at the raven and Minji looked down in shame.

"Hey back off Dani, it wasn't Minji's fault, she came to say sorry anyway." Haerin defended her, giving her a sad smile.

"Do you think she would want to speak to me now?"

"Duh, she's your best friend go look for her." Hyein encouragingly nudges her shoulder and Minji gives her group one last smile before leaving to find Hanni.

The alpha instantly made a beeline for the bleachers outside and was grateful when she spotted Hanni sitting under there, playing with some stones.

"Hey" Minji simply greeted, startling the smaller brunette a bit. Hanni nervously bit her bottom lip, glancing at Minji.

"I'm sorry for running off, I didn't know what was happening to me. I just became overwhelmed and I'm sorry." Minji rambled, rubbing anxiously behind her neck.

Hanni shrugs, looking away and blinks back her tears, "It's okay if you don't want to be friends anymore, I get it"

Minji stood there in shock, not believing what her best friend had just said. "What no, I still want to be friends with you." Minji assures her and Hanni peers at her with unsure eyes.

"Can I have my hug that I was supposed to have earlier?" The alpha questions and a small smile appears on her face as she opens her arms.

Hanni immediately jumps into Minji's arms, burying her head in her neck. The two embraced for a while, enjoying being in each other's arms. Minji inhaled deeply at the omegas new found scent and it was the most incredible thing she has ever smelled.

Hanni on the other hand thought the same thing, her best friend smelt amazing like a forest and she didn't want to let go.

The bell rang, bringing both girls back to reality. Minji was the first to reluctantly pull back which caused a small pout to appear on Hanni's face.

"Let's go, I'll drop you off at class" Minji offers and Hanni gives her a grateful smile. The two make their way to Hanni's class and Minji gives her a hug, "I'll see you at lunch Han"

The Vietnamese-Australian grins at her and turns to her class. People immediately start whispering when they notice her presence. Hanni just wants to crawl into a ball at this moment but relief flushes through her body when she spots Dani waving at her to come over.

"Hey" Hanni greets, taking a seat next to her short friend. "Don't worry about them, they'll get over it like they did with the other omegas." Dani tells her and Hanni turns to face the front, hating all the eyes on her.

"Eyes this way everyone." Ms. Park demands, wanting to take all the attention off Hanni. She lets out a grateful sigh when most eyes look away from her and she tries very hard to focus on the teacher for the rest of the period.

Hanni's classes were okay aside from the looks and whispers. She was happy that she gets to see her friends for lunch now and stops at her locker to put away her books.

"Hey sweet cheeks" The Vietnamese-Australian hears Jinyoung greeting her. She turns to the alpha boy and gives him a small smile.

A smirk grows on his face and he puffs out his chest. "So I see that you've finally presented as an omega." He licks his lips looking her up and down. He sniffs her, pumping out pheromones and Hanni feels like she's suffocating. He smells disgusting compared to Minji's incredible smell.

"God you smell good and how about I take you out tonight, specifically to my bed." His dark eyes stare at her with pure lust and he grabs her arm. She tries to pull away but his grip is much stronger than hers and a few students watch on the sidelines, too scared to do anything.

Hanni suddenly feels his grip on her arm disappear and he's rammed into the locker by Minji. The taller girl grips his collar tightly as she holds him up against the locker. She growls in his face, her eyes changing red as she aggressively pumps out dominating pheromones.

Jinyoung exposes his neck in submission, knowing very well not to challenge the other alpha right now.

The omegas knees almost give in to the over powering pheromones that Minji was releasing. With all her strength she goes and tries to pull Minji off the curly haired boy.

"Please Minji let him go, I don't want you to get into trouble." Hanni begs but the other girl doesn't budge, grip is still tight on Jinyoung.

Hanni holds her arm, releasing calming pheromones without even knowing and this immediately gets Minji's attention. The stronger alpha turns to look at Hanni and her eyes change back to their emerald green colour.

The omega sends her a pleading look and her grip loosens on Jinyoung. She gives the boy a hard glare bearing her teeth, "If you ever touch her again, I'll rip your goddamn head off."

Minji throws him onto the ground and he scurries away in fear. Her breathing is still harsh and Hanni grabs her face to look at her. The omega once again lets out calming pheromones and the alpha instantly calms down.

"How do you do that?" Minji questions, staring into Hanni's eyes. The shorter girl shrugs, not knowing how she did it herself.

"Come on, lets go meet the others in the cafeteria " Hanni smiles, walking past her. Minji watches her best friend as she walks, processing everything that just happened.

The two girls were greeted with warm smiles as they sat next to the other three girls at the table.

"Han are you okay? We heard what just happened." Danielle asked concerned and Hanni nodded her head from across the table

The alpha'a hand found her way to the omega's hand and she gave it a comforting squeeze under the table. Hanni looked at Minji, silently thanking her.

"I swear Han, if I see him I'm going to kill him." Haerin growls, angry that the boy touched her friend.

"It's okay Hae, Minji already scared the shit out of him" Hanni grins, glancing up at her best friend.

"I don't care, in our pack we're supposed to protect and care for our omegas." Haerin frustratingly says, her jaw tightening and Minji nods her head in agreement.

"I know and I appreciate that Hae but not everyone thinks about omegas the same way." Hanni smiles sadly and Minji feels her heart clenching.

"Don't worry about what other people think Han, you're amazing and beautiful and I'll do everything in my power to protect and keep you safe." The alpha promises, stroking the back of Hanni's hand with her thumb.

The omega has a huge smile on her face as she stares adoringly up at Minji.

"Just fuck already." Haerin grumbles under her breath and Hyein elbows her causing her to wince in pain.

The pair then look away from each other, clearly embarrassed about the comment that was made.

Danielle smirks at her other friends, knowing very well that Minji and Hanni have a thing for each other, they just need a little nudge.

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