💋 On Fire 💋 // Hotwings

Start from the beginning

I can't break the act. They'll kill me.

The door creaked open, dark and full of shadows. The walls reach wide and high. Cracked concrete made up everything in sight.

"Right door." Dabi whispered almost right in my ear.

Sweat creeped up my forehead and spine, daring to make an appearance.

My heart skipped a beat, thumping in my chest.

Frick. Is he messing with me?

I said nothing, just a nod, and walked to the door on the right. I barely see anything this far into the place. I prayed I wouldn't trip on the loose rocks.

Opening the second door, I find a bar, barstools, and furnished wood paneling. A scrawny man sat in a barstool, spinning it around to glare at me, "Finally." He spoke with spears.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, Shigaraki." I said just as I practiced.

He eyed me thoroughly before offering a seat. I sat next to him calmly. My nerves finally found peace since Dabi wasn't here.

Then he walked in, all tall and broad and handsome. Shoot.

I itched my neck nervously as they looked at each other. They seemed to agree on something without using words.

"Kurogiri, get this man a drink." He ordered then paused, "Wine?" Shigaraki asked me expectedly.

"Ah," Wine? Really? Why such a "romantic" drink? It'll only make me more jumpy...

"I prefer hard liquor."

He smirked, "Well, we have that too."

Frick my liiiife. Hard liquor? Why am I so clueless today?!

Kurogiri placed a glass, rust colored alcohol over ice, right in front of me.
I shrugged, trying to seem at ease, careless.

I took a sip as this crusty guy stared at me.

"Now let's discuss plans." He started, finally.

He went on about something they've been congering for months, a heist.
I'm not sure how I'll prevent this from under their noses, but I have to try.

Dabi got up in the middle of the conversation, right up against my back, like it was nothing. He's just listening to his leader while making me uncomfortable.

We went to the area to scope it out before meeting back at the base. Then we laid out our notes, who comes in and out of the building regularly, security camera positions and blind spots, alarm triggers, and more.

A wave of discomfort rushed through me again, just like this morning. Like my radar was turned to max. I breathed heavily.

"I'm gonna take a recess, I'll be back." I stated, swiftly exciting to fresh air before anyone could respond.

I tried my best to calm down, but the tingles just balled up into a tightly knit lump of anxiety in my chest.

I plucked through my feathers again and hummed aggressively. I feel the overwhelming need to shout.

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