"They've been acting weird." Natalia replied.

"You have been too and right after Jessica began to act weird too. Now all of them are acting weird." Clay pointed out and he wasn't completely wrong. After the tapes began surfacing their odd little group of people, they've been on edge.

"I don't know." Is all Natalia can reply as the pair exit the school. "I'll see you, Clay."

Natalia made her way over to where Justin Foley stood, texting away. He was glancing up and caught Natalia strolling toward him. He did a double take and rolled his eyes when he seen her making her way toward him.

"We need to talk, Justin."

Natalia never been to many parties, but what she knew is that she wanted to go to one if Justin Foley was going, He had been her best friend since she was eight. Natalia met him and Bryce Walker at around the same time, but she always knew Justin better.

He always struggled in math, where Natalia excelled. She began to give him answers in the third grade which seemed to continue throughout all of school.

"Bex, I'm telling you, do not get shitfaced like last time." Justin chuckled and threw his arm around her should with a smile.

"No, that shit was hilarious." Zach argued, walking on the other side of Natalia.

"It was so hilarious when I pulled a Kat from '10 Things I Hate About You'" Natalia replied sarcastically, recalling her drunken fall into Zach's arms from the last party at Bryce's.

"Seriously though, Bex. Stay with us." Justin said, his tone a bit more stern. All she did was roll her eyes, but she knew she'd stick with them.

Suddenly, the sprinklers turned on making the boys freak out. Zach began to use Natalia as a shield causing her to gasp, slapping him.

"Zach Dempsey, I swear to God!" She yelled, moving away from the boys who continued to get soaked. Natalie backed away and kicked Zach onto his back, helping Justin pin him down. "Karma, bitch."

Natalia walked up to the porch and saw Kat, Clay along with a new girl beside them. She waved at Kat and Clay, smiling at the new girl. Clay had been preoccupied with his new job, so they haven't talked in a hot minute.

Maybe it was because he found someone else.

"They're idiots. I swear, I can't take them anywhere." Natalia quipped and eyed Hannah again. "So, this must be the new girl, Hannah. I'm Natalia."

"Nice to meet you." Hannah smiled and Clay tensed as Natalia eyed him mischievously.

Kat began to clap, interrupting Justin and Zach.

"Yes! Liberty High's star athletes, ladies and gentlemen. So impressive." Kat teased while looking back at Natalia. "Sorry, boys. Can't have you in Hannah's house soaking wet."

"Seriously? What about Bex?" Justin asked and Kat waved it off as if that was already getting taken care of.

"Oh, my God. Look at yourselves, and anyway I'll give Nat something I brought."

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