A sob ripped through Yunho's lips as Wooyoung pulled him away. He watched as the rest of the roof collapsed, "YEO!!!" He screamed out as the flames engulfed the rest of the building. Wooyoung kept running as tears fell down his face, his grip on Yunho's hand tight as the two ran. He would kill the person that did this, he wouldn't stop until every single one of their blood was on his blade. Wooyoung turned a corner, passing by guards that were desperately trying to tame the flames while others were fighting people dressed head to toe in black. When he saw their red eyes Wooyoung clenched his jaw, "fucking dragons" he mumbled as he continued to run. Wooyoung slowed his speed once he got to the south gate. It was still intact; the fire hadn't reached this far yet. He looked around seeing if Seeun and Yujun arrived with the horses, "fuck where are they" he mumbled. Yunho stayed close to Wooyoung, tears still streaming down his face. 

Wooyoung unsheathed his sword when he heard someone laugh. He pointed his blade at Hwasa as she emerged from the shadows. Yunho unsheathed his sword as well, "you!" He glared at her his hands trembling with rage. She smiled taking off her hood, her horn reappearing as well as her bright green eyes, "we meet again your majesty" she bowed. Wooyoung's grip on his sword tightened, "this is all your doing! Yeosang is dead because of you!" He screamed at her. Hwasa picked at the dirt under her nails, "your friends death is none of my concern after all war is not fun without casualties" she giggled. Yunho lunged at her, swiping his sword in her direction. Hwasa stepped aside, using her elbow to hit Yunho in his back. He stumbled forward but caught his footing, "I'm going to cut your head off and mount it on the front doors of the castle for all to see" he growled out.

Hwasa just smiled at that, "I never knew the human king was so feisty" she giggled elongating her claws. Yunho lunged at her again, this time he swiped at her chest. Hwasa stepped back, but she didn't know that Wooyoung had moved behind her. The male swiped his sword across her face cutting her cheek. Hwasa hissed in pain reaching up to touch her face, when she saw blood coat her fingers she growled out. Not giving her time to counter attack. Wooyoung used the hilt of his sword and hit her on the back of the head. She stumbled forward and Yunho kneed her in the face, a sickening crunch sounded as her nose broke. Hwasa clutched her nose as she fell to her knees. Blood poured down her chin and wrist. Yunho held his sword to her throat pure rage in his eyes. Wooyoung held his sword to her back pressing the blade into it a little. "And here I thought you were a mighty dragon" Yunho spat out.

A laugh bubbled out of Hwasa's lips, "I will show you, how mighty I can be" she slammed her hands into the ground. Roots sprang from the earth knocking Yunho and Wooyoung back. Yunho's  back hit the palace wall before he crashed to the ground a low groan leaving his lips. Wooyoung fell a few feet away all the breath in his lungs was knocked out. Hwasa stood to her feet, "my husband wanted both of you alive but I think the plan only needs one" she turned to Wooyoung, "the king's life is much more valuable than yours, I'll be nice and help you see your friend again". Wooyoung moved out of the way as a sharp root sprung from the ground where he laid. 

Hwasa used her magic to control the roots using them as an extension of her. Wooyoung sliced at a root that aimed at his head. The sharp end falling to his feet as the root grew another one. Yunho stood to his feet grabbing his sword. Before he could attack Hwasa a circle of flames appeared around him. He stepped back as the flames grew brighter and hotter. Solar giggled as she stepped into the circle with him, "Sorry your majesty but you're coming with me". Wooyoung noticed Yunho standing in a circle of flames with a woman he has never seen before. He hacked away at the roots with more vigor, he had to get to Yunho. 

"There we go, fight harder, make this fun for me" Hwasa cackled as she sent another root towards Wooyoung. As he prepared to cut it, Hwasa sent another root from behind the tip of this one shot through Wooyoung's abdomen impaling him. Wooyoung winced in pain but didn't drop his sword. "WOOYOUNG!" Yunho shouted as he watched his friend get impaled. His breath quickened in anger and he ran towards Solar with his sword ready to stab her chest. Solar grabbed the blade melting it with her powers as she kicked Yunho in his chest sending him flying back. When he landed the ground, he clenched his chest coughing up blood. He reached for what was left of his sword but Solar stepped on his hand crushing it. The scream of pain he let out shook Wooyoung to his core. He stumbled forward when Hwasa removed the root from him, blood pooled at his feet. 

Wooyoung ran forward ignoring the pain in his stomach and swiped his sword at Hwasa. The earth dragon was taken aback by how fast Wooyoung was as she dodged his attacks. One attack managed to land on her shoulder, the blade slicing through the skin and muscle. Hwasa growled as blood fell from the wound. Wooyoung didn't stop, he brought his sword down again but Hwasa caught the blade crushing it in her hand and she kicked him in his chest sensing him flying back. Yunho tried to stand up but Solar stepped on his face pining him to the ground, "be still just because I can't kill you doesn't mean I can't hurt you" she moved her hand the circle of flames coming closer. The heat was becoming unbearable as Yunho struggled to get out from under her. 

Hwasa stalked towards Wooyoung, four roots appeared, wrapping around his arms and legs pinning him to the ground. A knife dropped from her sleeve into her hand as she stood over Wooyoung. The human struggled with every bit of strength he had to break free. She held the knife in her hands as she kneeled down beside him, "don't worry, you'll be reunited with everyone you care about soon" she smiled as she plunged the knife into Wooyoung's stomach twisting before pulling it out and stabbing him again. Wooyoung let out a choked sob as blood pooled onto the ground below him. Hwasa stood up and dropped the knife to the ground, the roots retreated back into the earth.  

"NO!! WOOYOUNG!! I'M GONNA KILL YOU! YOU BITCH!" Yunho shouted as he struggled under Solar's foot. She had made an opening in the flames so Yunho could watch Hwasa kill Wooyoung. Tears streamed down his face as painful sobs left his lips. When Solar stepped off him, he got up as quickly as he could and ran over to Wooyoung. "W-Woo, get up please" he cried out as he pressed his hands into the wounds. The blood coating them. Wooyoung's breath was slow and shallow as he looked at Yunho. His tan skin had already lost its color, "your majesty, it was an honor serving you and being your friend" he smiled weakly as he placed his hand on top of Yunho's. Yunho shook his head, "I don't want to hear that from you or anyone else, you're not going to die" he pressed his hands harder into the wounds. Hwasa grabbed Yunho by the hair yanking him away, "time to go" she said she pulled him away. Yunho struggled in her grasp, clawing at her wrist. Wooyoung reached out weakly to Yunho as he watched Hwasa drag him away. Yunho's screams and cries started to fade as blackness crept into his vision before he finally succumbed to the darkness. 

A Dragon and His Knight (HwaGi)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora