The people we lose

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Meliodas POV

I feel like I had been wandering around aimlessly for hours, days, weeks, months, maybe even years. The wind was strong and hitting me harshly. I thought I might fall to my knees any second now until I looked up and I could've cried in that moment when I say the soft y/h/l hair that I had missed for so long, the y/h/c locks that added to her already present beauty.


It's her, she didn't have wings nor the symbol of the goddess race in her eyes but it was her!" I ran to her and hugged her so tight, I never wanted to let her go, never again, the hurt I had endured could never match the hurt I'd feel if I let her go again. I felt so at ease and so relaxed against her body but it soon ended when she pushed me away with a punch to the top of my head.

I don't understand it's Y/n, but after all the time we've spent together and in love she would never do something like this? She looked at me as if I were a stranger, like I was nobody to her. What's happening?

"Who are you?" She said. It's true, she doesn't even know who I am anymore, how can this be real? Is this even happening? The woman I love doesn't even know who I am now.

"Y/n, it's me Meliodas."

"Meliodas? I don't think we've met."

I fought so hard to hold my tears back, I wanted to believe this was all a dream, that this was never really happening in front of me.

"Y/n? Come on.. it's me Meliodas."

She still looked so confused and it broke me inside. Even if she didn't know who I was in this moment, she still was so kind and so sincere, she went out of her way to give me shelter and food. I wondered if I were to tell her the stories from our past then it would spark something. I hated that she seen me as a stranger but still I'm grateful I get to see her again, hear her laugh again, even just being around her again is heavenly.

I laid back in the soft grass looking up at the stars, I never noticed it before but I now see why Y/n admired the stars and nature so much, if you just breathe and look around it's relaxing, the stars can be quite beautiful. "Meliodas!" "Hm?" Y/n? Wait! She said my name! Did she remember!? Wait.. her eyes, why do they look so dark filled? Like a demon?

"Meliodas! We've been cursed!" I raised my eyebrows with a shocked look upon my face. "Wait but she was a goddess, why is she a demon now? And a curse? What does she mean? She held my hands and explained it all to me in that moment.

"Meliodas, your father has cursed us! I will die and reincarnate exactly three days after we meet every time and I will regain my memories of us every time before I die. I am no longer a member of the goddess race but, you are."

"What? There's no way any of this is true.."

Atleast that's what I thought until exactly three days after she had told me we were cursed I woke up that morning to her impaled by a giant branch with the sharpest point on the edge that made an exit hole in her back. So it's true, we are cursed..

After the first reincarnation of Y/n died, I met more and more reincarnated versions of her, one was a little girl, she got her memories back on her birthday and was abused to death by her own father three days after, one reincarnation was an older woman who simply passed away from old age. I've now seen 106 Y/N's die before my very eyes.

I had gotten used to the curse but I still cry and lose my shit every time I watch her die. After some time had passed I formed a group called the Seven Deadly Sins and once again I met the 107th Y/n. I had previously found her as an infant alone to fend for herself and brought her to the king of Liones where me and the Seven Deadly Sins were stationed at the time, the king adopted her and raised her as his own, she became the 3rd princess of Liones before long.

She was close yet so far and I knew it would make matters worse if I went out of my way to help her remember me and meet her, she'd remember and die again, I don't think I could go through another death. Not again. Soon me and the other sins went our separate ways before I started a little tavern that traveled across Britannia on a giant green pig alongside a little pink pig named Hawk.

I still wait for the day that me and Y/n will reunite and reignite the love we had 3,000 years ago.

Word Count: 874 words

In My Dear Memories 🌠Meliodas X !Female reader🌠Where stories live. Discover now