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It's been a week since the win in the Netherlands and a lot has happened.
I flew over to Istanbul to watch Erling win the Champions league and Man City completing the treble.

That was two days ago, so Erling and I have wasted no time getting away on a holiday with Axel.

I only have a week and a half off before I go to camp for the womens World Cup.
The plan is to go away for a week and then from there we'll just fly out to Norway for my camp and then I'll begin training again and so that Erling can just spend time with his family.

We just decided on Mykonos in Greece since Erling knew a lot of his boys would be there as well.

Flying was so stressful because we had a pilot swap about 3 times and then we had to wait for the plane to be refilled but that wasn't the worst of it because Erling left his wallet at home which pissed me off because I just wanted to get the flying over and done with, so he made Gabrielle come and give it to him since she was going to stay in our house for a couple of days until she flys back out to Norway to eventually meet us over there.

The flight was alright to be honest because it was only a couple of hours but Axel didn't sleep at all.

We just decided it was best to rent out a Villa and a Yacht so we could experience a more peaceful holiday.

Right now, Axel's asleep upstairs leaving Erling and I to just chill out before lunch with Rebecca and Phil in an hour.

"So we're staying at the farm right?" I ask switching my phone off.
"Yeah we're staying with bestefar and mormor's," he nods.

In Norway, that is usually what we call our grandparents.

"When are you going back to England?" I curl up next to him.
"I'm not sure, because I might come to see you play in the group stages," He tells me.
"Really?" I sit up facing him with a broad smile on my face.
"Yeah of course, you came to mine so it'd be unfair if I didn't come to yours." He smiles back.
"Awh thank you," I say giving him a small kiss.

Our little intimate moment is put to a pause when Axel's cries could be heard upstairs.

We just look at each other as if to say 'well who's gonna get him'
"I'll go," he takes his arm from around my shoulder and goes upstairs leaving me with my thoughts.

Recently, I've been overthinking this World Cup a lot since this is my first one, and I know that my group isn't the easiest and just to top it off we're playing the opening match.

"Look who's up now," Erling carried Axel into the lounge.
"Hello bubba," Erling passes him to me.
"Mam..." He mumbles, as Erling and I share looks of disbelief.
"Did he just call you mum?" Erling's says shocked.
"I think I'm the new favourite now!" I laugh.
"No he'll forever be a daddy's boy,"
"Oh whatever," I jokingly roll my eyes.


We've just left the villa and we just decided it'd be nice to go out and have a walk just to see Mykonos.
We're meeting Rebecca and Phil at their villa which is literally like 15 minutes away from ours.

The heat is almost unbearable and it quite unfortunate that Axel burns like Erling and he doesn't tan like me. So now when we come to hot places, we probably go through about 4 bottles of suncream just on the two of them, because I barely use it.

We decided to take the kids with us because it was just to get them out because they're always either on the yacht or at the villa so it can get a bit boring sometimes.

It didn't take long to get to Rebecca and Phil's and it turns out their villa overlooks the sea.

"This is so nice, you've got so much more space compared to ours I think because ours has the private pool instead of the one looking onto the see," I compare the two.
"Astrid come and see our pool!" Ronnie smiles grabbing my hand to gently pulling it.
"Wow Ronnie it's so big!" I chuckle as he smiles.
"I know watch this," He takes a few steps back cannonballing into the pool fully clothed.
"Ronnie!" Rebecca yells.
"Ronnie those are your new clothes," Phil scolds.
"Oh let him off he's on holiday, poor boy," Erling walks over to the pool to help him out.
"Don't you get wet aswell," I laugh as he pulls Ronnie out of the pool.
"The sun will dry it anyway." He pinches his shirt as I playfully roll my eyes. I notice Axel has gone off to play with True and the two have been inseparable recently, it was only last week when they both began to throw temper tantrum's when having to say bye at the UCL finals.

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