Chapter 16: Speak Now ★

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Ronnie's POV:

Then I realized my mistake.

I had blocked him on every social media platform, but I had forgotten to block his number.

Why was he calling me now? What did he want from me?

I hesitated for a moment, wondering if I should answer or ignore the call. Maybe he had something important to say, maybe he wanted to apologize, maybe he wanted to give me closure.

Or maybe he wanted to hurt me again, to manipulate me again, to make me feel worthless again.

I decided to answer, hoping for the best, but preparing for the worst.

"Hello?" I said, trying to sound calm.

"Hey, Ronnie, it's me, John," he said in a cheerful voice. "How are you?"

I felt a pang of anger. How could he act so casual after everything he had put me through? How could he pretend that nothing had happened?

"I'm fine," I said coldly. "What do you want?"

"I just wanted to talk to you, see how you're doing," he said. "I miss you, Ronnie. I miss us."

I felt a wave of disbelief. He missed me? He missed us? How dare he say that after he had betrayed me and broken my heart?

"You miss me?" I repeated incredulously. "You miss us? Are you kidding me, John? You cheated on me! You lied to me, you hurt me, you made me depressed! And now you have the nerve to call me and say you miss me?"

John sighed. "I know, I know, I made a mistake. A big mistake. But I'm sorry, Ronnie. I'm sorry. I love you, Ronnie. I always loved you. I was just confused, I didn't know what I wanted. But now I do. I want you back, Ronnie. Please, give me another chance."

I felt a mix of emotions. A part of me still loved John, despite everything he had done. A part of me still remembered the good times we had together, the laughs, the kisses, the cuddles. A part of me still hoped that he would change, that he would be the man I fell in love with.

But another part of me hated John, for what he had done. Another part of me hated him for breaking my trust, for shattering my self-esteem, for making me cry myself to sleep every night. Another part of me hated him for being selfish, for being manipulative, for being a jerk.

And another part of me liked Tanner.

He made me feel happy again.

He made me feel alive again.

He made me feel loved again.

I knew what I wanted.

And it wasn't John.

I took a deep breath and said the words that I had been rehearsing in my head for months.

"No, John," I said firmly. "I don't want you back. I don't want to talk to you ever again. You're not sorry, John. You're not confused. You're just a liar and a cheater and a jerk. And I'm done with you."

I hung up the phone and blocked his number.

I felt a rush of relief and pride. I had done it. I had stood up to him. I had closed the door on him.

I smiled and put my phone away. I was free.

Tanner's POV:

I love writing songs for Ronnie. She's the most talented pop star I've ever worked with. She has a beautiful voice, a charming personality, and a creative mind. She always brings out the best in me.

[𝟏] 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐤 𝐧𝐨𝐰, 𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐨 | 𝐟𝐤&𝐜Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang