(021) realisations

Start from the beginning


"order for cecilia?" the guy put the tray on their table.

"thank youu." lia smiled, hungry as shit.

"no problem." he smiled back and left.

"i actually really like your nails!" char grabbed lia's hands and stared at her nails.

"stop changing the topic." she snatched her hands back making char groan. "but thank you! i like yours too."

"thanks! you think we should go there more often?"


"fine! sorry!" she grumbled, drinking her dr. pepper.

"but seriously, what's going on between you two? have you told him you love him? has he told you he loves you? i'm so out of the loop it's driving my insane."

"he told me he loved me. twice. i think?"

"WHAT!" she dropped her burger. people turned to look at her, but soon enough stopped caring.

"shh!" char put her hand over her mouth.

"have you told him you love him back?" lia asked removing char's hand.

"i- no." she realized.


"oh my god." she stood up, her burger abandoned.

"oh my god!" lia stood up, abandoning her burger too.

"i need to fucking tell him!"

"yes you do!"

she didn't know what got into her, but she was now running full speed to the sturniolo's.

she almost got hit by a billion cars, and way too many people yelled and cursed at her, but she made it to their house.

she stood in front of their door, waiting. she didn't know what she was waiting for, but she was waiting.

she didn't know how long she was waiting, but lia was somehow yelling at her from tim's car. "you tell him yet?"

she was about to turn back around and get in the car and tell timothee to drive away. cold feet. unfortunately for her, matt opened the door.

"char! hey-"

"i love you." she blurted.

matt froze. he was used to him confessing his love to her not the other way around.

"i- i love you too." he stammered.

"i knew i have for like soooo long, but i don't know why i never told you, you know?" she ranted, "i guess i was just scared, but why would i? i'm so sure that you're-"

"can i kiss you?" he interrupted.

"fuck yeah." she nodded.

he cupped her cheeks with her hands and pulled her in.

it started off real passionate, but then it began getting slower with matt pulling their bodies impossibly closer.

𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐈𝐓 𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐓, matt sturnioloWhere stories live. Discover now