Nevaeh tensed up due to Fear, but Mary reassured her. "If it was them, the singing would have stopped." She got up, approached the door, and took some deep breaths before she opened the door. Neveah couldn't see who was there, she could only watch Mary's face.

Her face changed from fear to Surprise, and then to Curiosity. Eventually, she let the Person in, and Nevaeh indirectly cheered up when she saw that it was Cheng. Her face heated up when Mary gave her a knowing look.

Nevaeh hopefully whispered. "Cheng!" Cheng's stomach churned at her Accent, it was Adorable. And she was trying her best. Normally, he wouldn't like people that weren't Familiar to him call him by his Name. But she helped him, and saved him.

He sat down, and sullenly said. "Sorry. Because of me." Nevaeh understood what he said, she shook her head, and tried her best to look happy as possible. "No! It's Okay. No apologies, okay?" 

Cheng grinned, his dimples pleasing to the eyes.


Nevaeh and Cheng have gotten closer. Too close, some would gossip. But they didn't care, they were in their own World. 

Everything was hard, stressful, and unbearable hot. But the time they spent together when everyone was asleep, was memorable. Nevaeh taught Cheng how to read, she wasn't an expert, but she taught him the basics. Soon, he was getting better with English, and reading.

Nevaeh liked him, a lot. And so did he. Cheng found her amusing and cute. He admired her, because she was helpful, bold despite the circumstances, and respectful. And Nevaeh found his shy nature, and sweet but random compliments so Wonderful. So Wonderful it was getting harder to focus on her work.

She would glance at him and find him already looking at her with a childish grin on his face. The Masters didn't like this though. They were distracted, and they were always the ones who weren't finished with their Work. But that would mean more time to spend with each other.

It didn't end up so well though. Things were unfair for the New Slaves. They weren't getting paid like the Other Slaves, and that made them angry. 

One Night, Nevaeh was washing her clothes, She was in her undergarments when Cheng waltzed inside. She looked up at him with Surprise. "Cheng? What is the matter?" She shook her hands in order to make the Water go away. She got up and caresses his cheek, "You're angry, still thinking about that day-" 

"Run away with me." Nevaeh thought she heard wrong, but Cheng looked at he dead serious. This was too sudden, she had heard about how some Slaves got away, but she didn't expect that Cheng would also want to leave. 

Nevaeh did not hesitate when answering. She held his hands, and tightened her grip. Her head was titled back so that she could gaze into Cheng's eyes. "..Alright, let me find other clothes to wear."

And after that Statement, they were on the Run.


Bullets were fired, horses were ridden, people were being chased, and People ran away as fast as they could. 

Nevaeh and Cheng ran as fast as they could. He was really fast, and Nevaeh could hardly catch up with him, so he had to hold her hand as they ran away together. Some of Cheng's friends were either dead or they made it across the Woods. The other Slaves also ran away when they noticed the Commotion outside. Everyone took this chance to be free. Some failed, and some succeeded.

But Nevaeh and Cheng weren't so lucky. Nevaeh groans as she trips over nothing. Perhaps due to the Pain emitting from her Calve that had been shot at. Cheng was yanked backwards, he turned around and his eyes widened at Nevaeh's state. He kneeled down, and picked her up, Princess Style. 

But Cheng dropped down on his knees when he felt a sharp pain in his thigh. He cursed in his language, tears already brimming in his eyes as he glumly stared down at Nevaeh. "..Nev.. Stay awake, I will keep you safe." Nevaeh couldn't keep her eyes open, they had also shot her back.

Cheng realized that when his hand felt moist. He lifted it up, and murmured. "..No.. Nev? Nevaeh!" He shook her body, but she didn't respond. Until, a few minutes later, she opened her mouth to say these last words. "..Love.. You."

Cheng started to sob uncontrollably, he buried his face in her head, breathing in her scent as if it were his last time sniffing it. And it was.

His glare was on one of the Masters that was riding towards them. 

Soon, Cheng smiled sadly. His eyes memorizing Nevaeh's beauty as the life was already drained from her body. "..I'm coming.. We will both be free.."

And with that, The Man on the horse shot the Man on the floor, that had his Lover in his arms. 

His blood mingled with hers, and his head landed on her lips, as if she were placing a long-lasting kiss on his forehead.

And that, Ladies and Gentlemen, was the Story between Luo Cheng, and Nevaeh. In the heat of the Moment, both of them had believed that was the end of their Love story. But it was just the beginning. 

The Start of a new Love story, in a more Advanced, and Respectful Future. A Future were they were No longer treated as Slaves. 

A Future where they would be able to Love each other freely. But first, they needed to be ready before they could start their Next Life as New people. Until then,

Their Story would remain, 

Unknown, and Tragic.

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