Chapter 4 - Hogwarts

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"I'm Ron, by the way, Ron Weasley."

"I'm Harry, Harry Potter, and this is my sister Hollie."

His eyes widen and his mouth drops to the floor.

"So it's true," he asks as he looks from me to Harry and back again.  "I mean, do you really have the...?"

"The what?"

"He wants to see your scar Harry."

Harry smiles as he lifts his hair back to reveal his forehead.


A trolley of food appears at the door and then a kind-faced old lady pokes her head in.

"Anything off the trolley, dears?"

"No thanks.  I'm all set," Ron says as he holds up some squashed sandwiches.

"We'll take the lot," Harry says and I look at him with shock.

He pulls some money out of his pocket.

"Whoa!" Ron says.

After ten minutes, the two boys are surrounded by sweets but I ignore them as I read my book.  I've never been one for sweets.

"Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans?" Harry asks.

"They mean every flavour.  There's chocolate and peppermint and also spinach, liver and tripe."

"Ewww," I say without looking up from my book.

"George sweared he got a booger-flavoured one once."

"That's disgusting!" I say, still not looking up.  "And it's swore, not sweared."

"Are they real frogs?"

"It's a spell.  You want the cards.  Each pack's got a famous witch or wizard.  I've got about 500 meself."

"Myself," I correct him again but he ignores me.

I hear a ribbit and look up as a completely brown frog hops onto the window.

"Watch it," Ron says.

The frog climbs up to the open window and jumps out.

"That's rotten luck.  They've only got one good jump in them," Ron says.

"I've got Dumbledore," Harry smiles as he looks at the card.

"I got about six of him."

"Hey, he's gone."

"You can't expect him to hang around all day, can you?"

Harry looks at the rat on Ron's lap with its head in a small box.

"This is Scabbers.  Pathetic, isn't he?"

"Rats shouldn't be pets," I say before I return to my book.

"Fred gave me a spell to turn him yellow.  Want to see?"


I glance up from my book.

As he takes his wand out, a young girl appears at the door.

"Has anyone seen a toad? A boy named Neville's lost one."

"No!" Ron says.

"Oh, are you doing magic? Let's see, then."

Ron clears his throat.

"Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow... turn this stupid, fat rat yellow."

He points his wand at the rat but only makes the box fly across the compartment.

Potter Sibling Trilogy Plus One Book 1 (a Harry Potter/Twilight/Jackass crossoveWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt