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*Lillys POV

It was just another basic day of doing the same thing, waiting for ✨️him✨️ to come home. It's always the same thing every since we got married, I make him breakfast and lunch, he whispers in my ear and leaves for work, I clean the house and get to working on paintings for clients and after all that once he's home we have a little fun in bed.

Things might have changed a little yesterday and the day before and before that day, basically 3 days ago. It was on Thursday. I was in the living room waiting for him like always once I heard the door open, I felt happy to finally see him after hours, but that day was a day that made history for me I would get a big hug and some kisses and then he'd talk about how long he was waiting to come home because he missed me so much.

Instead, he just said, "Hi honey," and went upstairs to take a shower. I thought he didn't want to touch because he was dirty, so I just went to prepare his dinner. Once he got back downstairs, we ate dinner in silence, which felt weird because there was always a conversation going so asked, "How was work today?" "It was alright," "So um... nothing happened, right?" " Lilly, just say what you want to say." "Why didn't you hug or kiss me when I greeted you at the door?" "Oh sorry I just forgot"
"You forgot?!" "Yeah" "please excuse me"
I said as I walked away and stormed upstairs I'm not really a person to show angry unless I'm comfortable around the person. I opened our bedroom door and layed flat on the bed as I screamed into a pillow "HOW DO FORGET" "WE DO IT EVERY DAY" I was about scream but then i felt sombody touch me.

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