EP 32 - There's a first for everyone

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EP 32

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Ma Yuri was not there to greet him when he left the basement as he'd expected. Then again, she wasn't exactly a friend waiting for him by the school gate. He hasn't experienced that recently either, silently eating the food prepared by the facility's staff before getting dressed and bidding the place or room he'd only stayed at for a night adieu.

According to the girl, the campus had a back entrance just a stretch away from where he'd been lodged. A very obvious one, he noted. Following the large footpath without difficulty.

Counterintuitively, he was greeted by the man who introduced him to this place. His teacher, Gojo Satoru. The environment felt rather idyllic: far removed from the bustling urban landscape the city was known for. With just a few basic questions, he was brought over to 'the classroom!' as the man had enthusiastically made it out to be. Even if just behind the door, the mood felt rather damp. Somewhat caught up in his head as he entered the rather barren room filled with 4 desks, he began to introduce himself. "I'm Okkotsu Y-"

A naginata pierced his greeting. A thick coat of silence brushed over the white uniform wearing boy with additional confusion sprinkled as well. Why were his classmates so tense by his appearance? Enough to receive violent first impressions. Their teacher that had just ushered him to enter a moment ago simply watched the situation unfold.

"Oi," the bespeckled girl broke the tense air, "you're cursed." Jujutsu High was place to learn about them, not to have one of them. And just like that, he was given a clear picture of what type of institute he ended up joining. Entering a brand new world like a new born.

"The number of people that die mysterious deaths or go missing in Japan is over 10,000 a year on average. Most of those are casualties of curses born from the negative emotions of people," the so-called teacher began. "Among them are also malicious cases caused by curse users. Only curses can affect other curses."

Jujutsu High was where people learn curses to exorcises curses.

'Tell me that ahead of time!' embarrassed by this scenario.

His three classmates stared at the man dumbfounded, who only gestured a speedy apology before warning them to back away. Large clawed hands festered from the chalkboard, pulling onto the blade stuck to the board with an enraged voice as another hand reached for the three.

"Don'ttt buLLYy yuUTTAA!!"

With quite the scuffle broken up by Gojo, the boy's situation was given light. Since six year ago, he was cursed by Rika, who loved him very dearly, and her curse activated if someone attacked him (presumably).

He was then given a rundown of his classmates: Zenin Maki, a cursed weapons and tools user, aka the bespeckled girl who had attacked mainly initiated the scuffled with Rika; Inumaki Toge, a cursed speech user who only spoke in onigiri ingredients; and Panda, no additional information to his .

"Ofcourse, there's also Yuri-chan, who's officially your overseer," his teacher added. "I honestly expected her to give you a rundown of what's to be expected and be present today," mumbling to himself the former, "but she's kinda busy right now!"

As a result, Okkotsu Yuta, the Special Grade newbie, was paired up with Zenin Maki, a Grade 3 sorcerer to exorcise cursed spirits and retrieve the children who had gone missing within elementary school grounds.

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