EP 31 - Transferring a Queen

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EP 31

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Due to the severity of the situation, Gojo Satoru (Special Grade) has been sent to help safely transport the cursed human, Okkotsu Yuta, due to hosting the Special Grade vengeful spirit, Orimoto Rika, "Queen of Curses".

It's autumn. The leaves slowly caramelise and wither the greenery of her school grounds. The wind's gently rake her ears and braids. Her footsteps synchronised with her friends' as they began to discuss about their science projects and complain about tuition they have to power through. All of it is incredibly mundane. She doesn't mind though.

"See you tomorrow, Kinoshita-san!" She only waved towards them in the distance as they turned a corner out of view.

Her phone blared vividly, causing the brunette to stop beside the road as she checked who was calling her. 코죠 사토루.

That's odd, she arched her brow. Why would he call her? Thus she immediately clicked onto the green button and placed the phone at her ear.



/"I'm glad you picked up the phone call"/

>"What's wrong?"<

>"Don't you usually ask my sister if my help is necessary?"<

/"Runa-chan's busy today with her presentation so I'll deal with her later!"/

/"Please make your way back to school okay?"/

/"I'll be picking you up and then we can discuss the details."/


The girl trekked back to the school gates and a familiar black sedan greeted her. Immediately, she opened the car door and entered inside. Greeted by the bandaged teacher of her sister, she replied curtly to the two.

"Good afternoon, Gojo-san and Ijichi-san."

"How was school?"

"The kanji's starting to get a bit harder to read but it's alright," noticing the relief in the driver's eyes from the rear-view mirror, her eyes then turned towards the man next to her, with his unbandaged eyes and practically opaque sunglasses. "What's going on today?"

"We've been sent to retrieve a high schooler who managed to gravely injure 4 people due to bullying," Ijichi handed the girl a tablet with information on the issue. In particular, it seems they weren't the first people on this case based on how many pictures and the files of witness statements there were. 'Some Grade 2 sorcerers were already injured--a Grade 1 too,' feeling tense by this even though she didn't recognise any of them.

"Why isn't Yuri-eonni on this case?"

"She's too busy this week."

"Are you assuming I'm the next best person to help?"

"You could say so but it's mostly to keep you safe."

After glossing over the information of the student, Ijichi began to park the car around a two storey apartment complex on the outskirts of Tokyo.

Upon closer inspection or just exiting the car, the entire building was filled to the brim with uneasiness. Cursed energy pooled potently causing her to grasp onto her head and wince at the nauseating aura.

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