26. Kindergarten Kid

Start from the beginning

"How could you all be outsmarted by that thing?" Peridot asks

"Well, first, it ran over Garnet, and then Amethyst tried to use her -"

"Uh, we don't need the play by play. Mistakes happen, even when you can see the future."

Turquoise puts his hands up

"Yes, Turquoise?" Garnet asks

"How about Peridot and I attempts to apprehend the corrupt gem?" Turquoise asks

"Well, I saved all your butts from Jasper. I suppose I could help you here, too." Peridot thinks out loud

"We. We saved you lot from Jasper" Turquoise nudges Peridot

"Feel free." Garnet smiles

"This'll be a great chance to show off my metal powers!" Peridot and Turquoise start to walks off on their own

"Then our work here is done." Garnet says putting her hands on her hips

"Uh, I-I'm... umm..." Steven starts

"Are you seriously going to help her?" Amethyst asks

"It's just... She's all alone out there, with no idea what she's doing." Steven says

"Oh, Peridot will be fine. Turquoise is with her" Pearl says

"I meant the monster!" Steven says

Garnet chuckles to herself "Okay. Take as long as you need." Garnet walks away

"Uh, Garnet, are you sure?" Pearl and Amethyst chase after Garnet, and Steven runs up to Peridot and Turquoise, who are currently devising a plan.

"Wait!" Steven stops running and pants heavily

"Did the others ask you to bring us back?" Peridot asks

"We've only been away 2 minutes and 36 seconds" Turquoise adds

"No, I came to help! It usually takes all of us to capture a Corrupted Gem."

"That's because you try to out-brute it. We're going to outsmart it!" Peridot says with a wide grin looking at Turquoise

"So... I can help?" Steven asks

"I could use your experience dealing with these things. It just doesn't seem fair." Peridot says

"Why's that?"

"Three against one." Turquoise answers

Steven and Peridot begin to laugh triumphantly. Turquoise just stands looking at them pleased

The Tongue Monster suddenly runs through Peridot and Steven, knocking them onto the air. The pair fall and Turquoise catches them before they hit the ground

"After it!"

Turquoise, Peridot and Steven give chase, crawl behind a rock and peek over it.

"What's it doing?" Steven asks

Turquoise, Peridot and Steven spot the Tongue Monster in the distance, staring at one of the Injectors hanging off the side of the cliff.

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