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xi. - revolution.

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- - - - - - AUGUST 31, 1888 - - - - -

Whitechapel, London 9:15 p.m.

"JUNE? PLEASE DON'T be dead," were the last words she was expecting to hear from Theo's mouth as she came to. She blinked, confused why all she was seeing were colorful blobs bobbing in and out of her vision. Then she realized she'd lost her glasses.

Great, what a Velma moment. June grappled around beside her for wherever they may have fallen, but all she felt was the cool wood of the stage. Had she...?

"June? Are you okay?"

"I...I think so. What happened?" June attempted to push herself up onto her elbows but was instantly met with resistance.

"Hey, hey, hey, be careful. You fainted," said Theo.

Oh shit. "Theo, I can't see anything," she said. "My glasses."

"Oh, sorry," he said. She could faintly see him bend down to grab something from a couple of feet away. As soon as he pressed them into her palm, June felt significantly more at ease. Until she put them on and made eye contact with a very concerned Theo and the confused faces of Thomas and the members of his religious cult.

Had she seriously just fainted in front of Jack the Ripper? "I... must apologize for my episode," said June, slowly moving into a seated position.

"Not to worry. I do hope it was not due to dear Al's foul sense of humor," said Thomas. "We would not kill you on Luna's judgment alone, of course."

"How comforting," June murmured, letting Theo help her to her feet.

"I must insist we not rely on the judgment of a feline," the woman chided. Thank you, June thought. "We should test their loyalty another way." Wait, what?

"Agreed," said the older man. "Did anyone find a good mark tonight?"

A chorus of 'no's followed suit from the others until one man with a handlebar mustache nodded. "I did."

"Do tell," said Thomas. "Give our guests an idea of what it means to be a harbinger of the New World."

"Sarah Appelboom," he said. "I met her at The Ten Bells. She fancies me, you see, and says she would be an eager and willing member of the New World." Okay, this didn't sound so bad. "I am not so certain I believe her, for the bartender has informed me of her sinful past. She works on the streets and frequents the pub every night, but not to be social."

"A drunk and a pimp," summarized Al. "Sounds promising."

"Very well," said Thomas, turning to where Theo and June were standing. "If you want to prove yourselves, take Henry's mark. Judge Sarah for yourself. If she is worthy of being a member of the New World, we will accept her with open arms."

"And if she is not?" Theo asked.

"Kill her," said Thomas. "Generosity should be saved for the worthy."

June instantly felt woozy again and clutched Theo's arm to keep herself upright.

"Can you do that?" The woman asked.

"W-we will certainly try," Theo stuttered.

"Good," Thomas replied. "We will reconvene in two nights' time. The council meeting is adjourned."

June and Theo couldn't stumble out of the theatre fast enough. The air was thick with humidity, but any air felt better than that shared with murderers.

"Are we actually supposed to kill somebody?" Theo asked.

June wasn't sure how she was supposed to respond to that after they had literally just vowed to do that very thing. "I... guess so?"

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