Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 9

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"This is not good! We really need to think fast now!"

Io continues to laugh to himself, pleased with his performance. He stands atop his newly solidified ground, walking over it with ease. "Such fierce words and strong constitutions. But all for not, I'm afraid. Seems my little tricks are far better than yours, eh?"

Nami continues to try and pull herself from the blood. "Ugh! It's too solid!"

Robin keeps her eyes locked on Io, who is slowly stepping toward them. "Well, if we can't free ourselves yet, we'll have to figure out how to fight like this for now."

"Can we?!"

Robin looks to Nami. "You still have your clima-tact, right? It wasn't buried?"

Nami grabs the pole and holds it close. "Yeah, it's right here. I made sure it didn't go under."

Robin nods and turns to face Io again. "Good. Then let's keep fighting."

Nami puffs. "I don't know where you get your confidence from, but you need to teach me."

Robin allows a grin to form. "Heh. When the clouds appear, you have to learn fight in the rain."

"Or in this case, a flood."


Nami faces Robin hopefully. "You got a good plan?"

Robin smiles and crosses her arms in front of her. "Only one way to find out."

Nami nods confidently and readies herself. "Right!"

"Give me some strong wind!" Robin commands.

"Coming right up!" Nami grabs the end of her pole, quickly removing the top section and flipping it between her fingers to create an X. She then returns it to the end of the staff and begins to twirl the clima-tact with great speed over her head. "CYCLONE TEMPO!" She shouts as she swings the pole outward like a bat, detaching the spinning X and sending it straight toward Io with a powerful gust of wind. 

Io suddenly realizes what's happening and stops himself, preparing for whatever may come his way. Yet Nami's attack is perfectly timed, barely giving him enough time to react. All he can do is cover his face as he is immediately blown backward, bouncing across the gelatin surface.

Robin takes a deep breath and splays her fingers wide. "FLEURS SANGLANTES!" She calls out.

Directly behind Io, two giant hands erupt from the surface of the hardened blood. But unlike Robin's normal fleshy hands, these are red, with muscle tissue and veins spread along the surface. Io continues to clumsily bounce backward with the gust, until finally reaching Robin's hands, where he comes to a rest sticking firmly to her palms. Robin then closes her hands around him like massive venus fly trap. 

Nami gasps and turns to Robin. "What the..?! What did you do?!"

Robin grins and narrows her gaze. "Just another little trick I've been saving."

"They look like they're inside out!"

"Indeed they are." Robin confirms.

Nami covers her mouth and turns pale. "I think I'm going to be sick..."

Robin stifles a laugh. "It may be a bit disgusting, but it's effective non the less."

"How did you even think of something like that?"

"To be honest, I can't remember. I've experimented a great deal with my powers. Didn't think I'd be able to find a use for this one, but I figured since he was made of blood, it must be the only thing that could stop him. Sure is handy, wouldn't you say?"

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