to meet heads of gamble. 12

Start from the beginning

"Apologies to everyone for the mess." A-yoong apologized with a tilt of her head. Her hair was in some disarray, but it looked good on her. Everything does anyway. "Why not bet to win the catch today? Do as you will to the prize once won."

Lang Qingqiu strained his muscles to get down. The ghosts and demons began to chant, "Let's play, sic bo, let's play, sic bo!"! while they began to discuss what to do with him. Tsk, we need to get him back before someone takes him home to eat with whatever side dish ghosts enjoy. I don't know what different ghosts eat or if they have different meals according to what ghost they are. I handed Zuko back to my brother since he looked anxious. He cradled the hellhound while I folded my arms and looked ahead.

"Qing Xuan?" I ask.


"How is your luck?" I turned to them as my brother adjusted Zuko in his arms.

"Sometimes good, sometimes bad," they explained as I looked back to the gambling area. Everyone was trying to get started on gambling. "Nothing can be guaranteed with something like luck."

"Maybe it can be," Flower Sword said as the shards of the old table flew into the air with the flames extinguished. The floor began to crackle as it began to repair itself. Four ghosts were carrying a new table. "For example, me. Every time I toss dice, I only get two at most."

"It's that bad?" QingXuan asked.

"You know how we can use this?" I asked, watching the den begin to reshape back to its original form.

"How about this?" I looked back and saw Zuko relaxed in my brother's arms. his head laying on the flower sword's arm. "Since you get two at most, then bet on the lowest number. Nobody can score a lower bet than yours."

"Makes sense," the brother agreed as he gave Zukoa a scratch behind his ear. "I'll give it a try."

"Everyone," I called out to the crowd. We walked through the crowd. I made eye contact with A-yoong while smiling as she looked down and shook her head. "Why don't we change the rules this time? See who has the lowest number of roles? The lowest would win. How about it?"

"Is that allowed?" a demon in the crowed asked.

"It doesn't seem to be banned," another said.

"Why am I being used as a reward?! you're all-"

"shut it up there!" A-yoong shrieked at Lang QingQiu. "why don't you shut the hell up! before i come up there and burn ya alive as preparation for the winner to take home for dinner!"

Our little group made it to the table in attempt to win our... travel companion back? i took Zuko back, and brother took hold of the dice cup. i took back my dog, and held him close and watched my brother shake the dice really goofily as clacking filled our space. he removed the cup to uncover the dice. and both dice showed six'.

"oh dear." i sight as my shoulders slacked.

"looks like my luck, good or bad, doesn't change just because the rules are reversed." flower sword pinched the bridge of his nose. i looked up and around till my eyes locked on A-yoong who was fixing her hair. now that i am closer, i can see that A-yoong has gotten taller than before. she was a little shorter than me when we last saw one another. she turned to the curtain after something happened with Honger. she faced the curtain for a little while, before lowering her head slightly. Honger must have said something.

"settle down!" A-yoong shouted as she cracked a crimson whip set a flame. "the lord has made a statement. he's in a good mood. so the rules will change, and he'll play a match with everyone."

i saw the smirk on her face. she smirked, and winked to me. oh, it is taking so much not to cry and run to her and lock her in a hug.

"everyone is welcome to make a bet, and take the... thing, up there home and do as they want." she looked up to Lang QingQiu who was about to shout. A-Yoong snapped her attention to him, and gave a frowned scowl. "one word from you sir, and i am going to let the ghosts and demons do what they want to embarrass you before someone wins the bet!"

He shut his mouth after that. and I looked at Kiyoshi. He looked shocked and confused. I looked back and saw that A-yoong had closed her eyes and taken a moment to breathe. "Now, let's get back to the match. Who would like to start?"

I didn't know what to think. On one hand, the kid up there is a mess. On the other hand, A-yoong has gotten so adorative over the last thirty years. I felt my heart swell. I know now isn't the best time to think about how I can put my relationship with A-Yoong back together after so long. I heard fabric rustling. Turning back, the flower sword was rolling up his sleeves, revealing Ruye wrapped around his wrists. He moved to the centre of the table to look directly into the bright red curtains, where Honger resides.

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