Revenge is Sweeter Than They Ever Were

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My name is Arianna Mareno, and I’m here to tell you a story. My story. Let’s take a trip through time to a day in my life when I was in 8th grade. Just kick back, relax, and enjoy the view.

“Watch it loser!” yelled Mason Sanchez, as he shoved me into the lockers after I accidentally bumped into him on the way to class. The rest of his group snickered as they passed by after him. ‘Those clones,’ I thought. I started walking to my next class when all of the sudden I tripped over somebody’s foot. ‘Oh, great! It’s miss perfect,’ I thought to myself once I realized that the said foot belonged to Britney Jenkins, the most popular and the most evil girl in my grade. “Oh Arianna, I’m so sorry. I didn’t see you there,” she said innocently. I rolled my eyes and said sarcastically, “Well, I am invisible.”


Flash forward to the end of the school year, when it’s the end of the school year dance. I didn’t even want to go, but my mother and sister wouldn’t take no for an answer. So they dressed me up, slapped make-up on my face, and did my hair then dropped me off at the dance. Well you’ve seen the movie, Carrie, right? When she goes to prom and they pour pig’s blood all over her? Well instead of pigs’ blood, it was the punch bowl and it was the most humiliating moment of my life. Needless to say, I ran out of the gym in tears. Not the best moment of my life.


Well after that incident, I wasn’t going to take being teased anymore. So I enlisted the help of my two older sisters who were almost done with high school and moved to live with my aunt in New York for high school. My sisters helped me reinvent myself. I stopped wearing the plain, baggy clothes, lost some weight (not that I was fat or anything), got braces, had my teeth whitened, and got some confidence. I lived with my aunt in New York for the first three years of high school. Now I’m back in California for my senior year of high school. And I’m out to make all of my old classmates regret every making fun of me. After all, revenge is sweeter than you ever were, or they in this case.  School just got out for the summer and I just got to LAX earlier today. 

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