Change in plans - Logan x Oscar

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☆ Ocd

"Logan! Are you ready soon?" Oscar tries to contact his boyfriend. They need to leave to go to the cinema for their movie date tonight. It's their second date after all and Oscar really want them to get there on time.

The amount of eyes that will stare at them if they get there after the movie has started doesn't sound too appealing for Oscar. Especially given that it is the Gran Turismo movie premiere. They've both been quite eager to watch it.

"Yeah, I'll be there in a few" Logan's voice makes him jump back to reality again. He answers with a simple okay and goes back to his phone to scroll through instagram or whatever that appears on his phone.

Oscar starts to wonder whether Logan has fallen over or fainted after a few minutes have passed with no sign of him. He never takes this long to get ready.

He gives him two more minutes and then he'll check up on him. Maybe he just feels a little ill or suddenly decided to take a quick shower.

Oscar tries not to overthink the situation, but when he suddenly hears a thud from upstairs, he wastes no time and runs up.

"Logan" Oscar tries to contact him, but he's left with no answer. He tries again but stops in the middle of the sentence when he hears faint sobs coming from the door in front of him.

Oscar takes a deep breath to calm himself down, not wanting to transfer any stress to Logan.
"Logan, can I come in" He asks gently.

"I-it's open" Logan says before a new sob escapes his lips.

A hint of worry runs through his body when Oscar takes in the scene in front of him and the state that his lover is in. He walks in and finds Logan sitting on the ground with red tired-looking eyes.

"Baby, what happened?" Logan shifts uncomfortably before he moves a bit to the side, inviting Oscar to sit next to him.

Logan closes his eyes and waits a few seconds while Oscar sits down besides him. When he does that, he places his arm around Logan's upper body and signals him to lean into his embrace.

Logan can only find serenity and rest through his partner's warmth and gentle motions.
When his breath is steady enough, he starts explaining.
"It's a stupid reason, honestly. I'm s-sorry to bother you"

Oscar raises his hand and rests it on Logan's cheek while moving his own head until their eyes are in line.

"I can assure you, Logan, that your breakdown is not due to a foolish reason; there is no such thing as a stupid reason. You have all the time you need, and even if you choose not to say anything, know that I am always here for you" When Oscar is finished, Logan has buried his face in Oscar's chest to hide his conflicted feelings.

Oscar feels his shirt getting wet, so he takes it as a sign to give him some time to calm down again.

He runs his hand over Logan's back to show that he's here for him. Just a simple physical contact is enough for Logan to feel cared about.

A couple minutes passes before Logan shifts a little so his body is leaning on the wall behind them.

"It's getting worse again" Logan starts. There's an understanding smile on Oscar's face showing that he is listening and that he can continue. "My body forces me to repeatedly wash my hands, so I've been here for over 10 minutes doing so. There's just this feeling deep inside of me that tells me that my hands aren't clean enough" He stops to catch some breath.

"And it's not only about washing my hands. I also have this thing with door handles and just handles in general. I can't touch them" He looks down on his hands and folds them to protect them from the bacterias he's visualizing, although he let's Oscar place his hands on top of them because he is his safe person.

"So I'm basically saying I have ocd; Obsessive-compulsive disorder. And I've had it since I was little" He pauses again and let's a deep breath out.

"I thought it had gotten better, but I guess I was wrong" Oscar gives him some time to comprehend that he's revealed something that's been bothering him a lot.

"Thank you for telling me" Logan looks up to his boyfriend and smiles in response. "You know what I think," He squeezes Logan's hands and scotches closer to him. "I think you are the strongest, bravest, and toughest person I know. You've already come a long way. I know you have what it takes to silence the destructive ideas and voices that take over your body.
I am aware that I am not the right person to say that you should just block the compulsions away and simply ignore your thoughts, but we will fight them together. That's a promise!"

Logan tries to say something but nothing comes out. He is speechless.

Ever since he learned that he had a mental disorder called ocd, times have been extremely tough for him.

There have been therapists and other important people in his life who have failed to comprehend him throughout his upbringing. Simply because they have no fear of germs, they have assumed that he has overreacted.

But after hearing Oscar's kind words, he has regained hope that one day he will be able to live without concern for germs, handles, and other public objects.

Logan moves his arms around Oscar and hugs him tightly. Since he's not able to form any sentences yet, he feels like this is the best way to show his appreciation.

"I love you Logan" This is the first time such words have escapes Oscar lips, but he has no regret. He's thought about telling him this before, but there's never been a perfect timing for it.

He starts to worry if this wasn't the correct time to say it either, but Logan responds with the same loving words a few seconds later.

"Let's move to the couch instead, yeah?" Oscar breaks the comfortable silence.

Logan quickly straightens up and wide eyes is visible on his face. "But the movie... Oh my god, I'm sorry Oscar. I completely forgot about it! I'm so so sorry" Panic has filled Logan, but there's no sign of a frustrated or angry Oscar. He still has that comforting smile spread across his face.

"Hey Logan, calm down. I'm not mad at all, far from that" He begins. "We can order some new tickets tomorrow, don't worry about it" By the time Oscar has finished soothing Logan, he appears to be much calmer.

"For now we can make some caramelized popcorn and watch a comedy movie at home. Sounds like a plan?" If if hadn't been for Oscar's incredible abilities to comfort him, he would've been halfway through his second panic attack by now.

Instead, they have moved to the couch and are watching a comedy called Happy Gilmore while using each other as pillows.

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