05-New transfiguration partners and a bad start

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" There will be a change in partners for this year in Transfiguration

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" There will be a change in partners for this year in Transfiguration." McGonagall's gaze travelled across the room.

" Miss Evans, shall sit with Mr.Potter."

Horror morphed Sirius and Mary's eyes.

" NO ! No !" They gave a short shout in unison.

" Minnie I'm not going to sit with her !"

" As if I want to sit with you, you insufferable prick ! All he does is whines the entire class when he's forced to sit away from James ! I am not dealing with him for an entire year as a partner ! I already share a house with him !"

McGonagall sighed.

" Mr.Black, sit with Mr.Lupin."

Sirius flushed a bright red and Mary smirked.

" Now that's what you call a pairing—for good partners I mean !"

" Do you still want a change of partner, Mr.Black ?" A hint of a smile was there on her face as he quietly shook his head and sat next to Remus.

" Miss Rookwood, shall be partnered with Mr.Avery."

Edmund shot Atlas a guilty smile but he simply snorted, fully aware that he was secretly bubbling with delight.

" Mr.Pettigrew, with Miss Brown."

Mary turned towards Peter with yet another wide smirk.

Peter fancied Dennie Brown and his pale complexion turned a dark crimson.

Returning her smirk with a soft delighted smile, Peter turned away.

" Miss McKinnon with Miss Meadows."

Well that was just fucking typical.

Was McGonagall pairing a couple or partners ?

Mary scoffed, displeased.

Alice was the only one left now, and Mary hoped McGonagall wouldn't have her sit with Frank.

Clearly it was of no use hoping.

For that's exactly what she did.

Mary's eyes widened in horror thinking she might have to sit with Snape, however, McGonagall seemed to have different plans in mind.

" Miss McDonald with Mr.Greengrass."

Mary's nose scrunched with disappointment.

" Can't I have a Gryffindor ? Not being biased, but when we'd have to have our classes with other houses, it'd be better to have the same partner than a different one every other class."

" Miss McDonald, I believe I already have—"

" It's alright Professor. I don't think McDonald here, wants to be partnered with me or a Slytherin. This is just an excuse."

Mary scoffed, shooting the male a glare.

" It.Is.Not.An.Excuse. My reasons were genuine, but if you think so, then I'm determined to prove you wrong. Professor I don't mind having him as my partner."

Atlas smirked.

" Very well then."

Mary haughtily made her way towards his desk and sat down.

McGonagall soon finished with the pairing. She turned back three steps and looked at everyone, pushing back her pair of round spectacles.

" Welcome to your first seventh-year Transfiguration lesson. For today's lesson, we will transfigure toads into toadstools. This spell, is misleadingly difficult. Do not, out of sheer overconfidence believe that you can get through this spell easily." She cast an eye on a few certain students.
" Let us begin the lesson with a lecture on transfiguring toads into toadstools."

Mary found it extremely frustrating how Atlas Greengrass, seemed to annoy her with every little thing he did.

She beat the overwhelming urge to smack and snap at him.

Firstly he made a comment, stating indirectly that, she, was a biased Gryffindor, then he did every possible thing to annoy her, like sigh loudly every now and then, ask absolutely stupid questions although he was well aware about the answers, and now, he couldn't even seem to wave his wand properly.

He couldn't be that bad at Transfiguration.

It wasn't such a hard subject.

" You're doing it all wrong." She finally snapped irritably.

A hint of a smirk was seen on the Slytherin's face for a second till there was nothing but innocent confusion marred on it.

He was a splendid actor and Mary would've almost believed him.

" Am I ?" He murmured.

" Yes you are ! It goes like this—" she waved her wand, making loop and then what seemed like a mushroom.

" I got it." Atlas muttered, and made a poor attempt to repeat the movements.

Mary sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose.

Atlas seemed to enjoy the way he irked her.

" Is it right ?"

" Does it look like you're doing it right? Professor, Greengrass here, needs help with the wand movements."

" I believe you already helped him." McGonagall blinked at her.

" He can't get the movements right. I do believe I cannot help him. I'm not so good myself."

" McDonald is really good at Transfiguration Professor ! I'm sure she'll help me." Atlas immediately said and Mary looked at him in disbelief.

" I was only getting help for you !" She sighed exasperatedly.

" And I believe you'll be able to help me pretty well."

Mary sighed.

Atlas Greengrass seemed adamant on having her help him.

And there seemed no way he'd let her back down.

What an annoying arse and what a bad start!

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