03-The transfer student

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" You two got engaged ?" James stared at Alice' ring incredulously

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" You two got engaged ?" James stared at Alice' ring incredulously.

" Well...yeah, it's good to go by tradition isn't it ? An early engagement. At-least we're not having a ridiculous agreement at the age of fifteen or something with a megalomaniac and being able to do nothing about it." Frank shrugged.

Marlene snickered as she shot Sirius a glance and earned a glare in return.

" I broke off the engagement!" He insisted, looking away, beginning to feel offended.

" Sure mate, sure."

" So James, when did you and Lily start dating ?" Frank asked.

" Dating ?" James' brows furrowed as he slowly turned to look at Lily who immediately snapped her head towards the window.

" Evans, we're dating ? Since when ?"

" We're not. Exactly what I've been trying to tell these idiots. They won't believe me."

" Give us a reason to believe you."

" Yeah exactly, you two are so painfully obvious."

" Wait, what do you mean ? Evans doesn't harbour any feelings for me !"

" Prongs, with all love and respect, you're absolutely slow at times!" Remus groaned.

" Talk about yourself ! Everyone thinks you and Padfoot are a couple."

Sirius choked and spluttered on the juice he was having as Lily patted him on the back and offered him a napkin.

Still recovering from the fit of coughs, he looked at his best-friend.

" What the fuck Prongs ?" He whispered weakly as Remus handed him his juice and advised him to have it slowly.

" What ? It's not my mistake you two—" he shifted glances between the two, " Act like an old married couple !"

" We most certainly do not ! Let's talk about how everyone, everyone in Hogwarts used to think you and Sirius are dating."

" Well, I agree, you two would be so close, Moony and Lily would often ponder about whether you're dating or not." Peter said nodding his head as the two mentioned ones shot him incredulous and offended glares.

" Wormtail !"

" Peter !"

" I'm sorry ! You would talk about that !"

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