A favor to ask from one bat swinging sister to another

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"Maggie, what do you want?"

First thing I told Magnus when he showed up to my door with Tamales, Guacamole, and Tortilla Chips.

He had a dumb smile on his face. "What do you mean?"

I rolled my eyes. "Whenever you get me Tamales, you want something." I pulled him inside, slammed the door, and put him against the door, my arm on his neck. (my hand in the pocket with my garrote for safe measure.)

He put his hands up in a I surrender motion. I put my arm down. (Hand still in pocket.)

"So. You know how I'm visiting Annabeth in 2 weeks?"


He sighed. "Can you come with me?"

I was silent for a couple moments, processing what he said.


"2 reasons" He said, counting with his fingers. "Annabeth may or may not have wanted to see you again, and I genuinely want to bring you. And your blushing."

I felt my face. I, was in fact, blushing.

"Fine. Only 'cause your so dumb."

"YES!" He grabbed my face and kissed me.

I entwined my hands in his and returned the favor.

When I pulled away, I saw that Mallory was in the doorway.

"Imjustgoingtogonowbeforeyoukillmeillaskyoulaterokbye" she said and slamed the door.

(1 Week Later)


"ALEX!" I yelled at him from down the hall. "COME JUMP ON MY SUITCASE!"

He ran through the door in a blur of green and pink, yelling "CANNONBALL!", jumping on my suitcase.

Alex's pink heart sunglasses had flung off his face when he jumped my suitcase.

I giggled at him. His hair looked a mess and he had a sock from my suitcase on his eye like an eyepatch.

"Do you remember what I asked you to do?" I asked him.

"Jump on your suitcase?"

"Before that."

Alex was quiet for a few moments, searching his brain for before the suitcase.

"Oh!" He said, getting up from the suitcase. "Sam, yes! I'll go get her. See ya Magnus!" He ran out of my room.


I had closed the door, but I heard muffled voices outside, Possibly Mallory, Halfborn, and Alex.

Their conversation went a little something like this.

Possibly Mallory : (Probably talking to Halfborn) You little (Enter Gaelic Curses)! Why?!

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