Spider-Man snd Etherea: No Way Home

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All scenarios will not be in chronological order!!!
This one is pretty vague cuz it's not really a scenario but more of a story? kind of.

When our identities are released, all do the avengers come together and help us.

After everybody forgets about us, (with the exception of  peter and I; I remember him and he remembers me) I use my powers to reverse the events of the spell and push the memories of us back into all of the people that we want to know our identity that did. Doing this results in Tony and Nat waking up (they were both in a magical coma type sleep) I use up a lot of energy and end up passing out. Peter gets us to the Tower and I get treated by Helen Cho, Bruce Banner, Dr. Strange, and Wong. Thor and Jane also stop by to figure out what's going on. I sleep for 26 hours and wake up and we all share a heartfelt reunion. Peter and I explain everything and as a team, we've never felt closer.

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