Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

      Fate has a funny way of screwing with people's lives. One minute you could be enjoying a significant moment in life, and then a severe turn of events will forever change you. It could be physical, emotional, or even mental. Since Fate always likes to make it a surprise, no one can ever predict when these events will happen. Sometimes Fate and Karma will even work together to right the wrongs of the past unless there is a hidden agenda that only the goddesses were aware of. That's why our dear Diana believes she must have done something horrible in her past life for the events that led her to where she is now.

      Diana can't fathom the events in her life leading up to her being a show prize for the actual monsters of this world. Nowadays, supernaturals have come out of hiding and cohabitated with everyone doing typical life rituals, like going to work, dating, school, vacationing, and political power. The most considerable increase that was seen when this happened was the Were-shifters finding their mates among the mortals. The Were-shifters' infancy increased by 60% causing them to become the supreme race.

      Some mortals couldn't accept the change that was happening, deeming that the world was theirs to own and the supernatural either needed to be terminated or enslaved. Thus they created a group called The Hunters/Huntress Organization and began their plans to enslave particular creatures to entirely wipe them off the face of the earth. These were the monsters that currently held dear Diana in one of the many enslavement camps in North America.

      In Diana's mind, The Hunters/Huntress Organization would possibly win if no one else stood up against them. Since the current government officials weren't having the FBI or CIA or even a special task force seen in the eyes of the public trying to take down this horrid organization, it made it feel as though there was no hope left in the world. The reason she wasn't killed like many others was that she was a rare Were-shifter, see Diana is a WereCheetah.

      There used to be many like her but a strange virus spread a few decades ago killing off many WereCheetahs, WereLynx, WereRabbits, WereFoxes, and WereMonkeys. This leads to where she is now: locked in a cage with a muzzle strapped on preventing her from causing her torments even a little bit of pain similar to what they have bestowed onto her. Not only being a WereCheetah, but she also had rare characteristics from her hazel eyes with a green spec to her natural hair color being an ombre of dark brown to a caramel color. Her skin is the perfect natural sun kiss tan with a dusting of freckles splattering across her cheekbones and nose. She was tiny at only 5 feet, but she chalked that up to her capturers not providing adequate meals causing her to be malnourished.

      Her life wasn't always in shambles, though. She had a loving father who always did his best to take care of her. Her mother had died while giving birth to her and her twin sister. Sadly, her twin didn't make it past 24 hours either, as she had complications with her heart. Her father never went into too much detail when she would ask. He would just say they were both fighters and would have loved to stay, but it wasn't in the cards of Fate. Her father constantly traveled and usually brought Diana along to experience the world. He worked as a traveling interpreter which luckily paid relatively well. She got to see so many new places and experience new things. Unfortunately, it was during one of these times that she was kidnapped, thus leading to where she was now, in hell.

      Diana was currently hidden in an underground bunker, locked in a cage with a muzzle strapped over her mouth to the back of her head. She wasn't alone as eight other shifters were trapped in their own cages. The cages were only big enough for them to be in their animal form. There were three rabbits, a lynx, and a monkey shifter. They all were used as pets most of the time and had to act like one. The only time they were allowed to change into their human form was to either be sold for an evening as an escort, maid service, or just to clean the upper bunker where the main Hunters or Huntresses reside. You would think that it would be the perfect chance to escape except they all were implanted with a chip on the back of their left shoulder. The only way to get removed is surgically which would take too long before they were discovered. 

      There was no hope of escape unless a miracle came along, but Diana knew better than to hope as she had been stuck in their clutches for many years. She wasn't too sure herself of how long she had been stuck in their clutches. She quit counting long ago when she could no longer tell the difference between the hours converting to days. She was surrounded in darkness, the only light coming from doors opening. There were no windows that she could see so she never knew if it was daytime or nighttime, which also helped in her losing track of how long she had been gone. At this point, she wouldn't even be surprised if it had been years. Hope was gone long ago, of that she was certain.

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