But then the second figure disappeared and the first grew closer. Time slurred for a second until they were on their knees before me.


That voice was familiar and they called me by my first name, but I couldn't place it.

"Your Majesty, is everything okay?"

After a long second, I finally knew who this was. "Keslyn?"

"Yes, it's me. Are you not feeling well?"

I tried to sit up and she helped me by holding my shoulders. The dizziness rushed back and I let out a sharp breath and squeezed my eyes shut. "No... No, I do not feel well. I was..." I struggled to get my words out through the pain. "I was looking for the kitchens and... and melsa tea."

"The kitchens are on the other side of the castle."

"Oh..." But I couldn't move to get up.

Keslyn felt my forehead. "Oh, dear, you're warm. How about we get you back to your apartments and I'll get the tea?"

All I could do was nod.

She slid her arm underneath mine and then helped me stand. I wasn't much help and I knew it, but I was trying my best.

I wasn't sure if my pain-filled delirium caused the trip back to my apartment to be faster than before or if Kes knew of some shortcut, but either way I was grateful when she led me through the sitting room, the fitting room, and ultimately, finally, into bed.

"You just rest and I'll summon a maid to get you some tea."

She started to turn but I caught her arm. She looked back and I forced my eyes open further, trying to speak coherently. "No maids... Please."

She bit her lip for a moment before she seemed to understand what I meant and why. She nodded, squeezing my hand that still gripped onto her arm. "Alright. I'll retrieve it then. You just rest."

I let go and settled against my pillow. "Thank you..."

"You're welcome, Asria."

I somehow managed a smile through the exhaustion and pain.


Comfortable warmth enveloped me as a gentle light hit my eyelids, pulling me from unconsciousness. I sighed but didn't move, feeling far too cozy underneath the quilt to force myself awake.

I was gladly going to let myself doze off again until I remembered the events of last night and my eyes fluttered open. After Kes had retrieved the tea for me, I'd drunk it all and then passed out.

I shifted slightly in the covers, realizing I felt exponentially better than before, though the remaining fringes of my headache still lingered in the corners of my mind. But I knew how to tolerate it since I so often did.

Though it was tempting to let myself sleep more, I knew I couldn't. So I turned over from my side to my back and took in the rest of the room.

Keslyn wasn't anywhere to be found, but the signs that she'd been here since she'd stumbled upon me were scattered about the room. The saucer and teacup resting against my nightstand. The curtains drawn back and tied. A wash cloth hanging off the edge of the basin that I could barely see through the bathing chamber's door.

I barely knew this girl yet she'd sacrificed sleep and inconvenience for me. I wondered if that was out of duty to her new queen or because she actually wanted to do it for me. If she was just that nice. Or perhaps it was a mix of both.

I was trying to convince myself to sit up but before I succeeded, Keslyn walked in from the other room with a glass of water. She glanced up at me and gave a small, slightly surprised smile. "Good morning. I'm glad to see you awake. How do you feel?"

~.✧ Ethira ✧.~ [COMPLETE]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora