Final Chapter

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So.. you have made it to the end..

And probably have lots of questions about what will happen to that universe and well the system had bugged out and locked you out don't worry you will get one last chance to hear what happens to them but this is the end of the story I thank you all for sticking around and supporting the story! To be truthful I don't know if there will be a second book and I don't want to confirm it.. but if I do what would you guys want to see more of!

To give you ideas

It can be expand of universe, travel worlds, find new people, or different au and probably an actual ask and dare book XD because this was a somewhat ask and dare book more of a story book
But I would want to hear what you guys got :3

Thx for reading this and thank you some of my friends that helped me finish this book

Now I let you enjoy your ending!

Jon POV:
I had left the bedroom and noticed lefty outside with ersa I was confused how she got here but I went over to them. Lefty waved at me with excitement Ersa was surprised to see me but went over and hugged me I hugged them back.
"Jon I'm so glad to see you are okay! And.. what's with the new clothes?"
"Issues happened did the askers get you here"
"Uh yeah I can't even believe I'm out"
"Well I'm glad you are out for now lefty what's been going on?" Lefty shrugged.
"I been mainly here but I think everything is doing well too bad molten is back though I fear he might not come back because it's been a while." I thought to myself and glanced away.
"Well.. he might be gone but we will have to move for now I will probably have to take you guys away from here to somewhere else till he comes back after I do that I'll try and deal with Glitchtrap because we can't have him running around any longer just so he can kill what left." I crossed my arms and looked at lefty.
"Are you sure about this Jon it could be really dangerous and I don't think we want to lose anyone else and what if molten doesn't come back."
"Don't worry he will I believe in him for now I'll have someone else take care of you guys when you move so I can take care of business you tell the others and stay in a group."
"Alright Jon.." he ran off and I sighed ersa touched my shoulder. I looked at them.
"Jon are you sure about all of this.." I stared at them and smiled.
"I'm sure.. you should probably go see your family I'm sure they miss you."
"Alright Jon take care of yourself."
"I will." I watched them walked off and I stood there I glanced at the room I been in and decided to go back in there to grab Bryan's plush. I picked it up and glanced at the other plush that was just laying there I picked it up and stared at it I chuckled.
"Weird version of me when I was a jester but your not like that are you.." I said to myself and decide to take them both and leave the room. 'I need to talk to the others than head home and try to get things cleared up.. I feel so tired.. but I need to continue to fix this mess.. and hopefully molten can find Bryan..' I thought to myself and headed towards the tent. When I got there I saw Lefty talking with them explaining what's going on. I stood there and listened to them for a while before deciding to walk away and let him handle it. I'll come back to move them to a safer place.

-A few months later-

Molten POV:
I had jumped out of the portal and noticed a paper sitting on the desk I went over to it and picked it up. It had an address from Jon.. I can tell it was his hand writing I took it with me and left the portal room. I looked around the area and sighed. Knowing what I'm going to have to talk to Jon about was something scary to do and I know how he would react but it has to be sooner or later so I started heading to the location that Jon gave me.

-after a while-

Molten had reached the location and noticed all the animatronics there from the park he was slightly confused and lefty had surprised hugged him with a bright smile.
"Your back!" He said to the taller bear.
"I'm so glad your okay did you find Bryan?" The taller bear stared at lefty and his ears went down.
"No I did not I checked thousands of worlds hes just gone.." the smaller bear smile faded and just hugged the bear tightly. Molten pat him and spoke up.
"Is Jon here I need to talk to him."
"No they haven't been here for a while now.. he said he was going to plan to take care of glitchtrap and Davis has been checking up on us lately." He let the bear go.
"Hm.. I'm going to look for him than he shouldn't do it alone I'll be back.."
"Alright.." the smaller bear watched the other leave the place.

Molten had set out to check Jon's office and his home to see if he was still there luckily he was at home walking around the male seemed stressed. The bear went up to the male and tapped him the green haired male quickly looked at him.
"You are back how did it go.. and did you find Bryan?" The male had many questions wanting answers. The bear stared at him knowing the answer the male wanted to hear but couldn't give it.
"It didn't went well at all and.. I'm sorry but I couldn't find him.." The male stood there he seemed to lose hope in his eyes and looked away he hugged himself and watched as the male broke down and tears fell down his face.
"Jon.. maybe you should sit down and breathe"
He didn't listen and shook his head .
"No.. I'm fine I just.. need a minute.. I had a feeling you wouldn't find him.."
"Jon please" molten went over to the male and hugged him the male was surprised and looked at him.
"I know your not okay Jon you need to stop building that wall and talk to others you probably should talk to your friends.. they will be there for you and support you.." the male was silent and just stood there. He slightly nodded. He let him go.
"I'll check on you later and we will deal with glitchtrap together Jon after you heal.." molten walked away to let Jon collect his thoughts together.


-Project Runway-

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